Monday, December 31, 2012

6 Kombinasi Makanan yang Meningkatkan Manfaatnya

Penulis : Felicitas Harmandini - Hampir semua makanan mengandung manfaat yang baik bagi tubuh. Bahkan, ada makanan yang makin meningkat manfaatnya ketika dikombinasikan dengan bahan makanan lain. Misalnya saja, ada alasan mengapa sate kambing atau tenderloin steak baik jika ditemani dengan minuman jus jeruk atau jeruk peras. Anda ingin tahu?
Kopi dan gula
Banyak yang mengatakan bahwa manfaat kopi akan lebih terasa jika diminum tanpa gula. Namun menurut sebuah studi yang diterbitkan di jurnalHuman Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, jika Anda minum kopi yang ditambahkan gula, area di otak yang dikaitkan dengan perhatian bekerja lebih efisien ketimbang jika kopi diminum tanpa gula. Hasilnya, Anda bisa bekerja lebih produktif. Kalau Anda bukan peminum kopi, coba minum teh hijau dengan tambahan madu.

Ikan dan kunyit
Curcumin (kurkuma, komponen pada kunyit) dan DHA (asam lemak omega-3 yang terdapat pada jenis ikan berminyak seperti tuna, salmon, sarden, atau kembung) mampu melindungi tubuh dari beberapa jenis kanker, dan mencegah sel-sel kanker menggandakan diri. Kombinasi dari ikan dan kunyit akan lebih mampu memperlambat pertumbuhan tumor dan penyebaran tipe sel-sel kanker payudara ketimbang jika senyawa tersebut berinteraksi dengan sel-sel kanker secara terpisah, demikian menurut studi dari BMC Center tahun 2011. Menurut para peneliti, DHA membantu sel-sel untuk memanfaatkan kurkuma (Lihat resep: Ikan Masak Kunyit, Pepes Ikan Kembung, Pepes Sarden Jamur, Sarden Panggang Sayuran, Tumis Salmon Balut Telur).

Gandum utuh dengan bawang putih atau bawang merah
Menurut penelitian, menambahkan bawang yang ditumis ke menu yang mengandung gandum utuh bisa membuat menu ini jadi lebih sehat. Sebab, kombinasi ini dapat membantu meningkatkan penyerapan zat besi dan seng, mineral yang lebih mudah diserap dari sumber hewani, demikian menurut studi yang diterbitkan di Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Zat besi membantu menyebarkan oksigen ke sel-sel, sedangkan seng diperlukan untuk kekebalan tubuh dan menyembuhkan luka. Diperkirakan, senyawa sulfur pada bawanglah yang membantu proses penyerapan itu. 

Kacang-kacangan dan sayuran hijau
Kacang-kacangan (seperti buncis, kacang merah, kacang polong, atau kacang kedelai) mengandung zat besi, sedangkan sayuran hijau mengandung vitamin C. Ketika keduanya dikonsumsi bersamaan, vitamin C pada sayuran hijau membantu mengubah zat besi pada kacang-kacangan menjadi lebih mudah diserap oleh tubuh. Kombinasi ini akan sangat efektif ketika Anda mengonsumsi zat besi yang sulit diserap, yang biasa ditemukan pada sumber nabati, seperti tahu, bayam, kismis, dan sereal yang diberi kandungan zat besi. Beberapa sumber vitamin C adalah buah-buahan sitrus, kol, paprika merah, seledri, dan pepaya. 

Tomat dan minyak zaitun
Minyak zaitun mengandung lemak baik dan antioksidan yang tinggi, yang jika ditambahkan pada buah-buahan atau sayuran bisa membantu Anda menyerap beberapa fitonutrisi dengan lebih baik. JurnalFree Radical Biology and Medicine mengungkapkan bahwa tomat yang dikonsumsi bersama minyak biji bunga matahari atau minyak zaitun, kadar likopennya meningkat dalam seminggu. Likopen adalah senyawa yang memberi warna merah pada tomat, paprika merah, dan semangka. Senyawa ini diyakini mampu mengurangi risiko kanker payudara, penyakit jantung, dan paru-paru.
Daging dan vitamin C
Daging merah, ikan, atau unggas, mengandung zat besi yang dibutuhkan sel-sel tubuh untuk mengubah energi pada makanan tersebut menjadi molekul energi yang digunakan oleh sel-sel tubuh. Menurut Pamela Hinton, PhD, dalam artikelnya di Health & Fitness Journal, sebaiknya kita memadukan menu daging tersebut dengan makanan yang kaya akan vitamin C seperti jeruk. Sebab, paduan ini akan meningkatkan jumlah zat besi yang diserap oleh tubuh. Jadi bila Anda sedang menikmati tenderloin steak atau sate kambing, pesanlah juga jeruk peras. 
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Eating Well
Editor :

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Best Fast Food Nutrition Choices

In this society, people are always on the go. It can be hard to find quality, healthy foods that are cheap and easy. A nutritionist Brooklyn can help clients plan ahead, but even in New York City, it is possible to be left with only fast food options. Following these tips will can help a diner make the best choices.

The first, and most important, thing to keep in mind is calories. Choose a meal with 500 calories or less. Drinking diet soda or water will help keep these calories in check. Smaller sandwiches, such as a cheeseburger, will also help lower the calorie count. Chili is also a great choice. Choosing a side of fruit, salad or a baked potato will also help lower the calorie count. The next thing to look for in a healthy, fast food dollar meal is fiber. Fiber is indigestible so it leaves the diner filling full without adding calories. Value menu choices with plenty of fiber include bean burritos, salad, fruit and baked potatoes.
 Ensuring enough protein is another important aspect. Look to get 10 to 25 percent of calories from protein when eating fast food. In a 500 calorie meal, this means between 50 and 125 calories should come from protein. Each gram of protein has four calories, so a fast food meal should contain 12 to 31 grams of protein. Good options for quality protein include grilled chicken wraps, cheeseburgers, bean burritos and chili.

The final thing that must be kept in mind when choosing a healthy fast food meal is fat. The meal should be as low in fat as possible. No more than 30 percent of the calories in a meal should come from fat. In a 500 calorie meal, this equals 150 calories or 17 grams of fat. Bean burritos, soft tacos, salad, chili, baked potatoes and grilled chicken wraps are all great, low fat options. What is often overlooked when counting calories, protein, fat, and carbohydrates is sodium. While the obvious value meal French fries are loaded with salt, so are many of the other low grade beefs and flavorful marinades. Continued and prolonged consumption of high amounts of sodium can lead to high blood pressure and other heart problems. A nutritionist Brooklyn can help educate you on the pitfalls of cheap value meal selections.

With 36% of all adults considered obese, and two-thirds of the adult population overweight, fast food should never be a first option. When left with no other choice, however, a nutritionist Manhattan can help a prospective diner learn what the best choices are. When choosing fast food, keep calories, fiber, protein and fat in mind. Combining these factors with a healthy, active lifestyle will increase the chances of living a long, healthy life.

Article Directory:
About the Author I have always believed that anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle should have the opportunity. For more information please visit

Monday, December 17, 2012

Also Red Guava Juice Can Prevent Cancer and Diabetes

Flora Febrianindya - detikFood 

Jakarta - guava juice pungent aroma perfumed with the delicious sweet taste. Apparently guava juice is also a great store various nutrients. Can prevent a series of illnesses, such as colds, cough, constipation, high blood pressure, and cancer and diabetes! Lycopene in guava merahlah be the cause of this fruit can prevent cancer. Antioxidant lycopene in it can be easily absorbed by the body. The best results can be obtained if the guava enjoyed straight, but can also process them into juice. intake of lycopene into the body associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer. In addition, lycopene can prevent the growth of breast cancer cells. Lycopene is good for health because it can destroy free radicals that lead to cancer and heart health problems. How about diabetes? mention if after a series of studies in mice, apparently red guava can lower blood glucose levels. however cautiously, try not to eat the skin of the guava. According to research from Medicinal Research Laboratory at the University of Allahabad, eating guava with the skin it can increase blood sugar. It is seen in experimental mice used in the study. Nutrition other guava contained among other high fiber, is also an antioxidant, vitamin C, and minerals. Therefore, it could not hurt to often eat guava. Better if made ​​with guava juice is not added sugar.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Sports Nutrition And The Application Of Supplements

In today’s society, Elite athletes as well as recreational athletes turn to a decent sports nutrition plan with expectation that by achieving good nutrition they will increase performance. As they build their regimen they bring in supplements as part of their sports nutrition lineup for insurance. Sadly some supplements can be expensive and they can also be potentially harmful to the body. The supplement industry is mostly unregulated and the majority of the supplements being sold have uncertain value or low-grade content. A number of the supplements that are supplied to the sports industry contain substances that have been in fact prohibited by sport associations or have been associated with high risk for mortality and morbidity. Nearly all athletes fail to take the time to gain education about sport nutrition or supplement use while participating in a sport, which is why reading articles such as this one, is so crucial. Knowledge of sports nutrition and use of supplements can aid you chose supplement brands intelligently.

Athletes can definitely check the company manufacturing sports supplements to verify content worth as well as to browse the Internet for any damaging view concerning the specific brand of supplements. Even if you settle to use supplements as part of your sports nutrition you still want to dine correctly by consuming a fruit or vegetable at every meal, by receiving protein at every breakfast and make sure to drink a sports drink that contains protein after exercising. Athletes should by no means skip meals. In fact, eating 4 to 5 meals a day will help supply all the nutrition and protein vital for the energy and muscle strength crucial to athletes.
Colorful meals will help to ensure that you are receiving all the sports nutrition necessary for competition strength and good health. Consuming raw fruits and vegetables will give any sports enthusiasts the right starts for a healthy sports nutrition diet.

The sports supplements that are the most beneficial to athletes are a daily multivitamin/mineral to insure your body has what it requires, use of a meal replacement powder when your life gets frantic or a meal replacement bar, use creatine for muscle strength, fish oil to aid you regain from exhausting workouts, flax oil and also glucosamine/chondroitin supplement to help support your joint health.

Supplements cannot and should not replace a healthy diet so any good sports nutrition plan has to include a balanced diet first with carefully selected quality supplements added to the plan for insurance. Make sure to confirm the supplement brand for banned substances and a wise move would be to look for NSF certification as well when exploring supplement brand alternatives.

Article Directory:

Supplements 2 U is a Brisbane based company commited to providing Sports Nutrition, Weight Management and Healthy & Well-being supplements at affordable prices.
sports nutrition
sports supplements

Friday, October 5, 2012

Can The Alkaline Diet Really Improve Your Health?

Believe it or not, our ancestors had a very different diet then the one most of us are used to these days. As technology advanced throughout the years, the types of food available to consume have dragged along as well. Grocery stores are filled with aisles and aisles of processed foods for both people and their pets. Finding a quick meal at a fast food joint is as easy as driving down to the nearest busy intersection.

You can point the finger at fad diets for introducing whole new eating habits. One of the most common is the high-protein diet. In the last few years we are eating more and more animal products and refined food items. And we are also forgetting about the fruits and vegetables that our bodies need each day. 
It is no wonder why so many people suffer from allergies of all kinds. Bone disease and heart problems are common as well. There are health experts that point the finger to the types of foods we eat when trying to explain the increase in these types of health issues. There is a certain balance in our bodies that must exist. Some foods cause this balance to be off. In return there is an increase in the chance of health problems. If we can change our eating habits there is a good possibility that prevention of disease and restoration of health can happen.

The Importance of Alkaline

The pH level, or alkaline to acid ratio in our bodies needs to be maintained at a healthy level. This pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. A level below 7 is considered to be acidic. Processed foods like meats, sweets, and some beverages cause high levels of acidity in the body.

One of the things that is linked to several different diseases is acidosis which is abnormally high acidity levels in the blood and other body tissues. There are health experts that feel acidosis is responsible for many fatal diseases that people are dealing with every day.

The body naturally neutralizes excess acidity by using alkaline. But, the alkaline in your body becomes depleted when there is too much acid to get rid of. Generally, we do not eat the types of food required to replenish our bodies alkaline levels.

Maintaining a Healthy pH Level

We mentioned earlier in this article that many health-related issues stem from acidosis. Tissues and organs are infiltrated by dangerous levels of acid when not properly neutralized. We must maintain a healthy pH balance in order to combat this. In order to reduce the excessive levels of acid, the bodies alkalinity level needs to be increased.

Easy-to-use pH level strips can be purchased in drug stores to determine whether or not your pH level is in the safe range. There are a two different types of pH level strips, those that test saliva and those that test urine.

The saliva pH level strip determines how much acid your body is producing. Throughout the day it should be somewhere between 6.5 and 7.5. The urine pH level strip works differently in that it determines how well you excrete excess amounts of acid. This level should be between 6.5 and 7.0 at night and 6.0 and 6.5 when tested in the morning.

The Dangers of Excessive Acid

Having high levels of acid in your body could be the cause of the exhaustion and headaches that you experience. Frequent colds and the flu can also be a result of excess acid. There are many other ill effects caused by having dangerous acid levels in your body. You may be surprised by the wide-ranging types of disease attributed to Acidosis.

Some diseases linked to excessive acid levels in the body are depression, hyper-acidity, ulcers, dry skin, acne and obesity. Some more serious results can be joint disease, osteoporosis, bronchitis, frequent infections and heart disease.

Many of us take medications to fight these illnesses but if we don't deal with the root of the issue our health will not improve because the symptoms are masked. In fact, taking pills, anti-inflammatory medication and such actually will cause our bodies to become more acidic.

Alkaline Diet Approach

The bodies pH level needs to be brought to normal in order to get to the root of these health problems. There are alkaline foods that will replenish the low alkaline levels in your body. In return the excess amounts of acid will be neutralized. Through and alkaline diet enough alkaline is added to the body in order to bring back the pH level to predominantly alkaline.

Exactly how do you introduce an alkaline diet into your everyday eating habits? The first step is to cut down on the amount of processed foods you eat each day. The chemicals in these foods increase the acidity of your body when they are digested. The second step is to avoid meat and meat products, dairies, and alcohol. The last step is to eat many fresh fruits and vegetables, which are naturally high in alkalinity.

As a matter of fact oranges and lemons,which are acidic,become alkaline after they have been digested and absorbed into the body. Ideally, 75% of your daily diet should consist of alkalizing foods. Excess acid is neutralized more efficiently when we provide our bodies with a sufficient amount of alkaline. 

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Discover how you can kick start the alkaline diet and more at

Monday, October 1, 2012

Best Fast Food Nutrition Choices

In this society, people are always on the go. It can be hard to find quality, healthy foods that are cheap and easy. A nutritionist Brooklyn can help clients plan ahead, but even in New York City, it is possible to be left with only fast food options. Following these tips will can help a diner make the best choices.

The first, and most important, thing to keep in mind is calories. Choose a meal with 500 calories or less. Drinking diet soda or water will help keep these calories in check. Smaller sandwiches, such as a cheeseburger, will also help lower the calorie count. Chili is also a great choice. Choosing a side of fruit, salad or a baked potato will also help lower the calorie count. The next thing to look for in a healthy, fast food dollar meal is fiber. Fiber is indigestible so it leaves the diner filling full without adding calories. Value menu choices with plenty of fiber include bean burritos, salad, fruit and baked potatoes.
Ensuring enough protein is another important aspect. Look to get 10 to 25 percent of calories from protein when eating fast food. In a 500 calorie meal, this means between 50 and 125 calories should come from protein. Each gram of protein has four calories, so a fast food meal should contain 12 to 31 grams of protein. Good options for quality protein include grilled chicken wraps, cheeseburgers, bean burritos and chili.

The final thing that must be kept in mind when choosing a healthy fast food meal is fat. The meal should be as low in fat as possible. No more than 30 percent of the calories in a meal should come from fat. In a 500 calorie meal, this equals 150 calories or 17 grams of fat. Bean burritos, soft tacos, salad, chili, baked potatoes and grilled chicken wraps are all great, low fat options. What is often overlooked when counting calories, protein, fat, and carbohydrates is sodium. While the obvious value meal French fries are loaded with salt, so are many of the other low grade beefs and flavorful marinades. Continued and prolonged consumption of high amounts of sodium can lead to high blood pressure and other heart problems. A nutritionist Brooklyn can help educate you on the pitfalls of cheap value meal selections.

With 36% of all adults considered obese, and two-thirds of the adult population overweight, fast food should never be a first option. When left with no other choice, however, a nutritionist Manhattan can help a prospective diner learn what the best choices are. When choosing fast food, keep calories, fiber, protein and fat in mind. Combining these factors with a healthy, active lifestyle will increase the chances of living a long, healthy life.

Article Directory:

About the Author I have always believed that anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle should have the opportunity. For more information please visit

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

An Anti-aging Hgh Advance - Energy Booster

Anti aging is a huge quest and it is the basis for a lot of research today and everyday there are more products going on the market claiming they have found the answer. "Why would anyone use HGH to hinder ageing?" It is for growth, right? These are two questions that come to mind on first hearing of its use. Scientist, now understand how HGH can be used to control metabolic functioning, and how our body's store and use fat.

Think about this, as we age our bodies slow down naturally. They move slower as does the internal organs and all of the other mechanisms that keep us youthful. With an anti-aging HGH product you can literally keep these organs functioning at their peak, as if they never aged. Many skin care products are including HGH in their formulas. The effects of anti-aging HGH products are said to be faster fat break down and faster cell renewal and this means younger more healthful looking skin. Who doesn't want that?

The Reason Behind It

As people get older these all important HGH levels drop. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is linked to all the things we think of as being associated with youth. Stamina, smooth skin, high levels of energy are all reserved for the young, that is until now. When a human reaches the age of about 30 the body naturally cuts production of this hormone and as the years go by the production becomes less and less. Thus we begin to see wrinkles, dry, pasty skin, lack of energy and a decided drop in our stamina.

More research into the effects of anti-aging HGH products is being done. The studies are being done still but the products are available everywhere including over-the-counter preparations. Although the news is promising, there is never a cause without an effect, the effects that the introduction of these hormones to an older system will cause are far from conclusive. The body is a delicate machine and introducing these hormones to the predetermined cycle could put it out of balance.

Know What You Are Using

When HGH therapy was first used it was to counter act the effects that some people had who had deficiencies in that area. Over 45 years ago the HGH hormone became the "go to" treatment for children suffering from HGH deficiencies, Turner syndrome, and renal failure and Prader Willi syndrome. It is also used for low birth weight babies or babies who exhibit slowed growth patterns, a diagnosis generally assessed at age 2.

It is extremely important when using anti-aging HGH products that you pay close attention to the dosages. Too much of a good thing can be harmful to your system. Before trying these products you should speak with a physician. Hormones play an integral part in the way our bodies perform tampering with this delicate balance could spell disaster. It is perfectly normal to want to remain as young and as vital as we can for as long as we are able but do so responsibly.

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Friday, August 10, 2012

Sports Nutrition And The Application Of Supplements

In today’s society, Elite athletes as well as recreational athletes turn to a decent sports nutrition plan with expectation that by achieving good nutrition they will increase performance. As they build their regimen they bring in supplements as part of their sports nutrition lineup for insurance. Sadly some supplements can be expensive and they can also be potentially harmful to the body. The supplement industry is mostly unregulated and the majority of the supplements being sold have uncertain value or low-grade content. A number of the supplements that are supplied to the sports industry contain substances that have been in fact prohibited by sport associations or have been associated with high risk for mortality and morbidity. Nearly all athletes fail to take the time to gain education about sport nutrition or supplement use while participating in a sport, which is why reading articles such as this one, is so crucial. Knowledge of sports nutrition and use of supplements can aid you chose supplement brands intelligently.

Athletes can definitely check the company manufacturing sports supplements to verify content worth as well as to browse the Internet for any damaging view concerning the specific brand of supplements. Even if you settle to use supplements as part of your sports nutrition you still want to dine correctly by consuming a fruit or vegetable at every meal, by receiving protein at every breakfast and make sure to drink a sports drink that contains protein after exercising. Athletes should by no means skip meals. In fact, eating 4 to 5 meals a day will help supply all the nutrition and protein vital for the energy and muscle strength crucial to athletes. 
Colorful meals will help to ensure that you are receiving all the sports nutrition necessary for competition strength and good health. Consuming raw fruits and vegetables will give any sports enthusiasts the right starts for a healthy sports nutrition diet.

The sports supplements that are the most beneficial to athletes are a daily multivitamin/mineral to insure your body has what it requires, use of a meal replacement powder when your life gets frantic or a meal replacement bar, use creatine for muscle strength, fish oil to aid you regain from exhausting workouts, flax oil and also glucosamine/chondroitin supplement to help support your joint health.

Supplements cannot and should not replace a healthy diet so any good sports nutrition plan has to include a balanced diet first with carefully selected quality supplements added to the plan for insurance. Make sure to confirm the supplement brand for banned substances and a wise move would be to look for NSF certification as well when exploring supplement brand alternatives. 

Article Directory:
Supplements 2 U is a Brisbane based company commited to providing Sports Nutrition, Weight Management and Healthy & Well-being supplements at affordable prices.
sports nutrition
sports supplements

Monday, July 30, 2012

Top 5 Herbs To Help You Lose Weight

Are you exercising and eating right, but not seeing weight loss results? You may need a natural boost with herbs!

Feeling hungry all the time and having an insatiable appetite are two of the biggest challenges to losing weight. If this sounds like you, you're in luck. Herbs for weight loss are appetite suppressants because they trick the body into thinking its full[1]. Other herbs help the body process food efficiently, resulting in more energy to burn more calories. With these two herbal effects, you are setting yourself up for the best way to burn excess fat.
Classification of Herbs – How They Help Burn Excess Fat
Herbs, that enhance weight loss, restore the body to its most natural state. These herbs act by flushing toxins out your body that slow down fat burn. They also help you consume less, so the body doesn’t have to work as hard to process vitamins and nutrients out of what food you do eat. The following are the four classifications of herbs for weight loss[2]:

Diuretics – These types of herbs help you excrete excess water that your body does not need. During this excretion, you rid your body of toxins that slow down bodily functions.

Cathartics – Restores gastrointestinal balance. Regular bowel movements help you consume fewer calories because your body is better able to digest the food you eat.

Stimulants – Fatigue can slow you down physically inside and outside of your body. A lack of energy keeps you from exercising and slows down bodily functions, which both result in less calorie burn. Stimulant herbs boost up the energy to speed up bodily functions, giving you more motivation to work out and burn more calories.

Appetite Suppressants – This herb helps emotional eaters, cravers and insatiable appetites by:

Boosting mood
Increasing satisfaction
Expanding in the stomach to leave less room for food

Reach Your Weight Loss Goal with These Herbs

Green Tea
Green tea raises metabolic rates and boosts fat oxidation, according to Dr. Abdul Dulloo, of the University of Geneva in Switzerland[3]. One of his studies found that green tea extract with caffeine produced more energy than just caffeine. What does this mean for you? Green tea can help your body use fat efficiently by increasing your metabolic rate to give you enough energy to make it through the day or exercise (to burn even more fat).

Guar Gum
Guar Gum will help you feel full faster and reduce hunger. It’s also a laxative, so what you do eat will be used by your body and then excreted as soon as your body is done with it.

Flax Seed
If you’re looking for an herb with vitamins, phytonutrients, protein and fiber, you have found it! This is great herbal remedy for cravings and appetite control. When ingested, this herb will expand as much as five times. That means, if you take it 30 minutes before you eat, you’ll already be on your way to feeling full.

Gymnema Sylvestre
Calling all sugar addicts! This will be your key to weight loss by stopping your sweets cravings. This herb is great for pancreas health and functioning. It will help your body maintain blood sugar levels so that you don’t have drastic level changes, which can cause cravings.

If you’re looking for a diuretic that expels water weight, and also improves energy and decreases appetite, fennel is your herb. You can take it in pill form or as a tea, just be careful to take it as directed, as it can be toxic.

Check with Your Medical Doctor
While herbal remedies are relatively safe, it’s important to consult your physician to discuss starting an herbal regimen. Herbs can have serious side effects and can have drug interactions with other herbs and prescription drugs.

Article Directory:
eVitamins is the leading healthy lifestyle management destination across the web. Whether you are looking for information or just shopping for vitamins or supplements, we're confident we can help you. Get discounts on various products including the popular Raspberry Ketones and White Kidney Bean Extract.

Monday, June 11, 2012

What To Know About The Health Benefits Of Using Ganoderma Extracts

Ganoderma lucidum is the scientific name for the bitter Chinese mushroom commonly known as Ganoderma. This plant has been in use as a medicinal supplement for hundreds of years. However, it only grew in the wild in East Asia. Due to the benefits of Ganoderma, it is now being cultivated. Before you go out to buy Ganoderma, it is essential to understand these benefits.

One of the key properties that have made this herb gain such reputation is its effect on cardiovascular conditions. In fact, it was called the Kings herb in ancient china due to its high value. It inhibits the aggregation of blood platelets, while at the same time reducing blood pressure. Patients can start noticing a drop in pressure levels just two weeks into usage.
It is also beneficial to the immune system. Most health experts commonly prescribe extracts from this herb for immune system long-term support. It has also been shown to be quite successful in patients suffering from advanced tumors. Studies have shown that it has the potential to lower CD8 counts and increase the number of T lymphocytes in the blood. Apart from this immune-modulating effect, it also lessens the side effects associated with radiation, chemotherapy recovery after operation.

The effect this herb has on blood sugar levels is amazing. It has that natural ability to lower the blood sugar levels. It has the polysaccharides known as Ganoderans A, B, and C. These have been shown to have the effect of lowering blood sugar levels. It is thus a useful supplement to cardiovascular disease patients.

This hypoglycemic effect is made possible by three main mechanisms. First is the ability of the herb to elevate plasma insulin levels. Secondly, it has the ability to enhance utilization of glucose by the peripheral tissue. Thirdly, it has the ability to enhance metabolism of glucose by the liver.

Ganoderma also has remarkable anti-inflammatory properties. The ancient Chinese used the hot water extracts to treat inflamed skin and related conditions. Recent studies have marches the ability of the herb to that of hydrocortisone.

Extracts from the herb are also widely used in treatment and management of the liver. It has a hepatoprotective action on the liver. Individuals suffering from bilirubin, hepatitis B and elevated liver enzymes have used the herb with successful results. It is also used in managing benign prostatic hyperplasia symptoms in lower urinary tract in men.

Ganoderma is also used to oxygenate the body. It is thus a quick remedy for altitude sickness. Mountain climbers often use the extracts to boost oxygen levels in their blood system in high altitude areas. It neutralizes the effect of free radicals in normal metabolism and cellular respiration. In fact, it is one of the most powerful anti-oxidants.

Before you buy Ganoderma, it is important to understand the benefits of Ganoderma. It is a suitable substitution to regular anti-biotic medicines, which come with many side effects. Although you can take it as a food supplement, it is recommended that you consult a professional when taking it for condition such as high blood pressure or related cardiovascular conditions. 

Article Directory:
Find a brief summary of the benefits of taking Reishi supplements and a review of the reasons why you should buy Ganoderma online at now.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Amazing Foods That Help Burn Fat

Foods That Help Burn Fat

Contrary to popular belief, eating a lot isn’t what makes someone gain weight. It’s what they eat. As long as you are consuming healthy meals, burning calories is going to be very easy. On the flipside, if you are eating unhealthy, then no amount of exercise is going to help you lose weight. In this article, we are going to cover some of the healthier foods that help burn fat as well as vitalize.


Apples can help melt away fat for a few reasons. For one, they elevate sugar levels in a safe and moderate way- and they also keep them up for longer periods of time. Apples don’t make glucose levels spike or sugar which is why they make an effective meal. Second, they help you feel fuller for a longer period of time.

There are certain fibers located inside of apples that treat hunger and make you feel food. The average apple contains no more than 80 calories, no sodium, and no cholesterol. Plus, you’ll receive the added benefit of lowered blood pressure. Overall, the apple makes for a really healthy snack that can indirectly help you lose weight.

Whole Grain Bread

As a general rule of thumb, stay away from white bread. It is extremely unhealthy, is packed full of calories, and doesn’t succeed in making you feel full. Whole grain bread is the way to go. It helps reduce appetite and is a much healthier alternative. It doesn’t contain as many complex carbohydrates and is an excellent source of natural fiber.

Experts recommend going for mixed grain, oatmeal, pumpernickel, and whole wheat breads as they are the healthiest. The average whole grain slice of bread contains anywhere between 50 and 80 calories where a slice of white bread may contain close to double of that. And surprisingly, whole grain bread offers a descent amount of protein which also succeeds in making you feel fuller as well as provides you with energy.


We’ve all heard about the dangers associated with caffeine. It causes anxiety, insomnia, the yellowing of teeth, and other medical issues that we don’t have time to get into. So, how did it coffee make its way onto this list? Well surprisingly, coffee (in moderation) can be extremely helpful in the weight loss process. The reason is simple: it helps speed up the metabolic process.

Since caffeine is a natural stimulant, it will help burn more calories by quickening the digestive process. As a matter of fact, up to 10% calories can be burned using this method. For the sake of being health, make sure that you are only drinking as much as a single cup in the morning and a single cup in the afternoon. And instead of using sugar, try to use only skim milk (or drink it black). In moderation, coffee can really help you lose weight, just don’t overdo it.


There is a really good reason for why grapefruit should be added into your bag of weight loss foods. According to experts, the average grapefruit contains less than 80 calories and contains a surprisingly 16 grams of protein. Not only are they sodium free, but they also are loaded with vitamin C. As you can see, not only can they provide you with plenty of energy, but they can make you feel very full and don’t have many calories.

Grapefruit also helps fight cholesterol. And they help prevent the development of heart disease. While some people can’t stand the taste of this fruit, many have agreed that it becomes much better if you sprinkle some cinnamon on it. Others crush it down in the blender to make smoothies. Whatever option you decide to take, it is definitely recommended that you add grapefruit into your eating regimens.


Finally, we have mustard. Add this condiment to your meals and you’ll be consuming a very healthy good. Mustard is completely safe and should be used every day. It helps speed up metabolism for several hours. This means that you could expect your body to burn as much as 45 calories for every 700 or so that you consume. Not many foods are able to accomplish this. If you take into perspective all of the foods that exert more calories than they burn, mustard is a really healthy alternative.

How Much Should You Eat?

You should still follow your general dieting guidelines. Simple incorporate these foods into them. And by no means should these be the only foods that you are eating. Healthy diets are well-rounded and should be spread across the entire food pyramid.


Foods that burn calories help you feel fuller, and provide health benefits are what you should be looking for. The ones listed above fit the description perfectly. When food shopping, search for ones with high protein amounts and no sodium as this will serve your body the best.

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Find additional information on Cardio That Burns Fat. Our site is filled with insightful tips, programs and tools to help you lose tummy fat and make you feel young and healthy!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Food Poisoning: What To Do

The food you eat may look good and taste delicious, but its appearance and flavor may be deceiving at times. The symptoms of food poisoning can be immediate or gradual, depending on the type of contaminant present in the food. The common signs of food poisoning are vomiting, severe headache, loose bowel movement, weakness, and stomach discomfort. Immediate attention should be given to people suffering from these symptoms.

Call medical help.
Ingestion of contaminated food could lead to serious health conditions, so, once a person suffers from diarrhea or vomiting after eating, suspect that he has been food poisoned. Appropriate medical attention should be given, so, the affected person should be taken to the hospital immediately for proper treatment. Antibiotics are usually given, and they may have to be taken for a few days.

Get adequate rest.

One of the simple food poisoning remedies is complete rest. A person needs rest to recover properly. The immune system of the body will need energy to deal with the disease. While your body recovers from the disease, you will have to stay in bed. Usually, many people are severely affected by the condition that they have no choice but to stay in bed.

Replenish lost fluids and electrolytes.

One of the effects of food poisoning is that the affected person will quickly run out of liquids in their body due to frequent vomiting and LBM, which will make them suffer from dehydration. Increasing fluid intake, therefore, is necessary. In severe cases of fluid loss, if the patient becomes unconscious, fluids may have to be replenished intravenously, meaning, injected into the patient’s body. Oral rehydration solution can be given for mild cases. This solution consists of water and some salt and sugar to replenish the lost ions in the body.
You can drink clear soda or soup. Avoid caffeine-laden drinks, which will only make dehydration worse. Drink more than 8 glasses of water a day to keep yourself hydrated. You will know when you are well hydrated by looking at the color of your urine. A clear urine indicates good hydration.

Take ONLY the medications prescribed by your doctor.

Vomiting can be harmful to your esophagus, because the esophageal lining is not designed to withstand stomach acid. The passage of stomach contents through the esophagus may cause esophageal irritation. Stomach acid also erodes the teeth enamel. There are OTC medications that can coat the throat and esophagus to protect them from the stomach acid. In many cases, your condition will improve on its own as long as you keep yourself well hydrated.
Allow your body to get rid of the toxins or bacteria that caused poisoning. You may be tempted to buy anti-diarrhea medications, like Loperamide, but you are discouraged to take these medicines. Their action is to slow down bowel movement, which will inhibit release of digestive tract irritants.
However, you must be responsible and only take the medications that are prescribed by your doctor. No one understands your condition better than your doctor does.

Do not eat too much.

Toxins disrupt the function of your digestive system. Any food you ingest will not be digested properly as you are not completely healed, so, it may only worsen your condition. The less work your stomach has to do, the faster it will recover. You should not eat anything within a few hours after symptoms appear. This will allow your digestive area to settle.
Start eating soft foods, which are easy to digest. Examples are soup, porridge, banana, crackers, or gelatin. Stop eating if you feel like vomiting again or if you feel nauseous.
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For more information about Food poisoning remedies and food poisoning visit our website

Friday, May 11, 2012

Lingonberries: A True Superfruit

About: Wild Lingonberries are a tiny, round berry about the size of a pea. They grow wild throughout Europe, mostly in the Nordic countries like Finland and Sweden where they are extremely popular.

Flavor: Lingonberries are bursting with a cranberry like flavor and color. They can be substituted in any dish calling for cranberries. Lingonberries are popular for their great flavor and keeping ability.
Uses: Lingonberries go great in jams, jellies, juices, smoothies, Swedish pancakes, meatballs or heated and served over meats. Dried Lingonberries go great in salads, oatmeal or trail mix.

Recommendations: We recommend putting 2-3 spoonfulls of frozen lingonberries in your daily smoothie. Although lingonberries may cost more than other berries, your actually using far less berries to get significantly greater health benefits, thus saving you money. Results are generally noticeable after 1-2 months.

Health: Lingonberries are one of the best sources of antioxidants on the planet. Antioxidants are a group of biochemicals that occur naturally in foods including vitamin c, vitamin e, beta carotene and many more. Studies show antioxidants to be extremely important to the human diet and in helping fight many diseases including cancer, heart disease, macular degeneration, diabetes, aging and more.

ORAC Score: ORAC stands for oxygen radical absorptance capacity and is the industry standard for measuring the antioxidant levels in foods. Foods scoring above 20 on the chart are considered very rich in antioxidants. Below are some ORAC scores of lingonberry products...

Where to Buy:Wild Lingonberries may be hard to find in the United States. Jams can be purchases at specialty stores and Ikea but since so much sugar is added the jam really isn't doing your body favors. The best place to buy wild lingonberries is online at Northwest Wild Foods. They have both frozen and dried lingonberries with no sugar added. There website is Northwest Wild Foods You can order lingonberries from Northwest Wild Foods and have them shipped to your door.

Lingonberry Jam- 36
Lingonberry Juice- 120
Frozen Lingonberries- 203
Dried Lingonberries- 820

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The author has been involved in wild foods and berries for 25 years. Northwest Wild Foods

Friday, May 4, 2012

8 Makanan "Sehat" Ini Bisa Menjebak

Bramirus Mikail | Asep Candra | - Apakah Anda pernah menyantap makanan yang Anda pikir itu menyehatkan, tapi kemudian Anda tahu bahwa makanan itu sebenarnya kurang baik untuk dikonsumsi terlalu sering? Jangan malu jika jawabannya adalah Ya.

Gencarnya promosi, iklan dan informasi yang tidak akurat mungkin menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab yang membuat Anda terjerumus dan salah memilih makanan sehat.
Untuk membantu membedakan mana makanan yang bisa dijadikan teman atau musuh, berikut penjabaran dua ahli diet yaitu Lauren Antonucci dan Lisa Moskovitz, yang juga ahli gizi olahraga di New York City.  Dua pakar ini akan membuka kedok beberapa makanan jahat yang bersembunyi di balik label "sehat".

1. Protein Bar

"Protein bar pada dasarnya adalah vitamin dan protein yang dimasukkan dalam sepotong permen. Mereka tampak seperti pengganti makanan ringan yang sehat, tetapi makanan ini sebenarnya bisa berisi lebih dari dua kali jumlah lemak dan karbohidrat dari brownies cokelat," kata Moskovitz

Untuk menghindari asupan kalori yang berlebihan, Anda dapat memilih protein bar dengan kandungan kalori kurang dari 180 kalori dan 5 gram lemak, serta menyediakan setidaknya 5 gram serat.

2. Buah kering

Dengan lebih dari 100 kalori yang terkandung dalam setiap seperempat porsi cangkir, Anda bisa menumpuk kalori dengan cepat saat menyantap buah kering. Antonucci merekomendasikan untuk memilih buah-buahan segar atau beku ketimbang menyantap buah kering.  Buah-buahan segar atau beku akan memberi sensasi lebih kenyang pada perut karena mengandung cairan yang lebih banyak.

"Dengan makan buah-buahan segar Anda akan bisa makan dalam porsi lebih banyak dengan jumlah kalori yang lebih sedikit dan merasa kenyang akibat cairan yang terkandung pada buah," kata Antonucci.

3. Margarin
Mentega dan margarin memiliki bentuk yang nyaris sama. Keduanya pun bersaing ketat dan banyak dari Anda yang berpikir bahwa margarin yang terbuat dari lemak tumbuhan lebih menyehatkan bagi tubuh dibanding mentega yang terbuat dari lemak hewani. Tetapi menurut para ahli dari Mayo Clinic, persaingan keduanya dimenangkan oleh produk mana yang lebih alami.

Meskipun margarin dan mentega memiliki nilai kalori yang tak jauh berbeda, tetapi margarin yang dijual di pasaran mungkin mengandung zat tambahan sehingga kandungan lemak transnya lebih tinggi, yang pada gilirannya akan meningkatkan kadar kolestrol buruk (LDL) dan menurunkan kadar kolesterol baik (HDL). 

"Lemak trans adalah salah satu unsur dalam makanan yang kami rekomendasikan untuk harus dihindari sepenuhnya," kata Moskovitz.

Sementara itu, mentega terbuat dari krim dan mengandung lemak jenuh yang tinggi. Tapi sisi baiknya, mentega relatif lebih alami karena tidak menggunakan bahan kimia atau manipulasi yang tidak perlu. Untuk menekan risiko sakit jantung, Moskovitz menyarankan memilih whipped butter atau mentega asli yang sudah dikocok untuk memasukkan udara ke dalamnya. Mentega kocok lebih sedikit kalori dan lemaknya daripada mentega biasa, berkat udara tersebut.

4. Yogurt

Yogurt adalah produk susu yang merupakan sumber penting kalsium dan vitamin D. Namun waspadalah dalam memilih yogurt. Beberapa jenis yogurt ditawarkan di pasaran ada yang memiliki kandungan lemak dan gula yang sangat tinggi.  Moskovitz menganjurkan untuk memilih yogurt plain atau tanpa rasa karena  menawarkan protein dua kali lebih banyak dan rendah karbohidrat.  Jadi, biasakan membaca label atau kandungan informasi gizi pada kemasan yogurt sebelum memutuskan untuk membelinya.
5. Selai kacang rendah lemak
Ketika para produsen mengurangi kandungan unsur lemak dari selai kacang, mereka menggantinya dengan gula. Akibatnya, selai kacang rendah lemak ini memiliki nilai kalori total yang sama seperti aslinya, tetapi memiliki jumlah karbohidrat dua kali lebih banyak.

"Lebih baik memilih selai kacang biasa. Anda akan makan lebih sedikit, karena versi penuh lemak lebih memuaskan dan mengenyangkan," kata Moskovitz.

6. Bran Muffin
Bran muffin adalah makanan yang biasa menjadi teman minum kopi di pagi hari. Bahan dasarnya terbuat dari adonan roti yang diberi ragi dengan sebagian besar kalori yang berasal dari gula dan tepung halus. Satu potong muffin bisa mengandung hingga lebih dari 400 kalori dan kandungan lemaknya bisa sampai 15 gram. Bila Anda kadung menyukai muffin sebagai camilan, Antonucci menyarankan untuk membuat muffin sendiri di rumah dengan porsi yang terkontrol serta kandungan gula dan lemaknya yang rendah.

7. Burger

Banyak orang berpikir bahwa memesan burger kalkun, bukan daging sapi, akan membuat mereka tetap langsing. Jangan tertipu. Burger berisi kalkun memiliki lebih dari 600 kalori dan 30 gram lemak - dan itu tanpa roti atau topping. "Anda tidak perlu khawatir untuk memilih jenis daging pada burger. Anda hanya perlu membatasi ukuran porsi Anda," ucap Moskovitz.

8. Sushi

Gulungan sushi juga bisa menipu. Meski terlihat tampak kecil, tetapi jumlah kalori yang terkandung di dalamnya cukup besar dan bisa menjadi bom waktu bagi ukuran pinggang Anda. Satu gulungan sushi memiliki lebih dari 500 kalori. Moskovitz merekomendasikan agar menghindari gulungan yang mencakup bahan-bahan seperti tempura, krim keju, keju parut, atau saus mayones pedas.

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Your Health And Organic Vitamins

With organic vitamins you can live your lifestyle the way it is intended by nature. Although the organic vitamin market is still on the up and up, there are many stores that offer these supplements - plus so much more. This is particularly true if you shop online. With more and more people interested in organic vitamins there is no wondering why so many stores are beginning to stock these supplements, along with a variety of other organic-based products.

With the right organic vitamins you can support your overall health. You never have to worry about putting something into your body that is going to do more harm than good.
Before you take organic vitamins you may want to consult with your doctor. The reason for this is simple: to make sure that you are getting what you need in order to live a healthier life. In most cases, organic vitamins are the perfect choice.

The more you learn about organic vitamins the better chance there is that you will eventually give these supplements a try. With more stores carrying these supplements, finding what you are looking for at an affordable price has never been easier.

There is nothing more important than your health. Unfortunately, many people are putting the wrong supplements into their body. You can avoid all risk by taking organic vitamins.

With so many benefits, you owe it to yourself to learn more about organic vitamins. As soon as you begin to take these supplements your life and health will change for the better.

By: Heinrich Immelman.

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At we carry a wide selection of all natural Vitamins, herbs, lotions, toothpastes, protein drinks, make-up, hair products, teas, and many more exciting products in stock all the time.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Omega 3 Supplements! Why Do We All Need Them? Check This Article Out!

Have you been hearing a lot lately about Omega Supplements? I know I have been hearing a lot. They were recommended to my pregnant wife by her doctor. After that she started to harp on me about taking these supplements. Initially I was confused. I read a little bit, but I still was not too sure about them. So I asked my Doctor, and this is what he told me.

Omega 3 fatty acids have come into main stream lately for a lot of reasons. They are part of a group called Essential Fatty Acids. They are essential for certain functions of the body, unfortunately the body doesn't manufacture omega Fatty Acids through your everyday diet. With insufficient levels, there are many things that can go wrong with your health. Complicating matters is the unfortunate reality that these Fatty Acids are really difficult to source in the modern every day diet. Fish, walnuts, hempseeds, krill and algae are real good sources. Do you eat these daily?
Beef can be a pretty good source as long as the beef cow was grass fed, which is exceedingly rare and expensive today, when it is readily available. Another problem is the prevalence of fish farming, where Omega 3 quality is questionable due to the feed the fish are given, which quite often does not reflect their natural diet. Because of the importance of Omega 3 Fatty Acid and their lack of presence in our daily diets, Omega 3 supplementation is a terrific strategy for getting the right amounts of these healthy fats.

The positive effect of Omega 3s in cardiovascular health is very well documented. Omegas help by lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure, thinning the blood and helping to keep anti-arrhythmic.

DHA, commonly found in Omega 3 Supplements, is quite often recommended to help women have healthier pregnancy. Babies are more likely to go the full term and have healthier weight, and normal brain development. Mothers may also be less likely to suffer from post-partum depression. Omega 3s produce an anti-inflammatory effect, as well. Many patients with back pain have been able to stop using ibuprofen or any other common pain medication as a result of supplementing with omegas daily.

Many Chiropractic Offices carry a type of Omega Supplement that has been put through an extra step to remove contaminants like mercury, dioxin and PCBs. This is critically important. It is so imperative this is done that many chiropractic centers actually recommend to skip a supplement rather than take one with impurities like the ones mentioned above.

A good way to start is to learn some more. I recommend that you schedule a consultative visit. Your Chiropractor will help you find a good way to bring these important nutrients into a wellness plan.

Hopefully, you are beginning to really understand more about the importance of these Vitamins. If you would like to learn more about Omega 3s, contact your Chirpractic Care Center.


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Jauch Chiropractic provides all natural chiropractic care. If you are looking for great{Chiropractic|Chiropractor} {in Buffalo|Buffalo} NY, check them out!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Benefits Of Using Bodybuilding Supplements

Bodybuilding supplements are nothing more than dietary supplements used by athletes and bodybuilders. However with growing concern about health and appearance the number of people using dietary supplements has increased tremendously over the last few years. Since these supplements are a perfect blend of vitamins, proteins, amino acids and essential fatty acids, they can be a perfect replacement for your meals. Therefore they are highly recommended for people going on a weight loss diet or to enhance athletic performance.

Supplements are generally sold in the form of a single ingredient or in various other forms like bars, tablets, powders and even shakes. The benefits you derive by including them in your diet are manifold. Male and female body needs are entirely different and building muscle mass is even more challenging. But the impossible can be made possible with bodybuilding supplements since they aid in strengthening the body and building muscle mass rapidly.

Since bodybuilding supplements are packed with nutrients they can easily enhance the athlete's performance ability while pumping energy into his entire body. However before jumping to conclusions and using dietary supplements, it is imperative for each of us to know our body and understand its needs. It has been observed that while a healthy woman has about 20% body fat, most men do not surpass the 10% level. Therefore intake of dietary supplements should be planned in a way that they will work in unison with your present dietary intake and thus boost the muscle gain process.

These supplements are also recommended for people looking to enhance their overall health and thus improve their fitness levels. When these people start using dietary supplements, they not only assist in building muscle mass but also burn unwanted fat and excess calories quickly and efficiently. Another major advantage of using these supplements is that they improve the water retention capacity of your body and thus ensure proper hydration in spite of rigorous workouts.

People using bodybuilding supplements have found out that their stamina has improved and they are able to work out for longer durations of time. This is possible because dietary supplements alone have the ability to boost your endurance levels. However the only limitation with these products is that they are not as effective for beginners. The reason is quite obvious. Unlike experienced athletes, a beginner's metabolic rate is a lot less. Therefore their bodies will not have the capacity to utilize the extra carbohydrates provided by supplements and they end up accumulating them in the form of fat.

In the end, bodybuilding supplements accompanied by a balanced diet and exercise will yield improved results.

By: Russell Strider

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Supplementing your workouts is the best way to give you that extra edge you've been looking for and finding the best bodybuilding supplement is key to this goal. Visit us today and start getting ripped for summertime or anytime.

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Incredible Health Benefits Of Omega 3 Foods

Omega 3 foods have gained a lot of popularity over time due to their amazing health benefits. There are a large number of different foods that you can eat which contain the Omega 3 fatty acids that are healthy for your body. Research shows that the Omega 3 fatty acids actually help to prevent many types of diseases.

In modern society this is especially important because of the horrible diet that most people are subjected to. Anyone who is getting a healthy amount of Omega 3 acids each day through their diet can avoid serious health problems. Omega 3 foods are important because they contain the unique Omega 3 fatty acids that have been shown to protect the heart and help negate symptoms of depression. These fatty acids have been helping humans stay healthy for quite some time now. The main reason why these acids are so important for the body is because the body cannot create them on its own. These acids are essential, which means that the body needs them indefinitely.

Obtaining these acids through foods is vital because the body has absolutely no way to manufacture the acids alone. The three main types of fatty acids contained in these special foods are ALA, DHA, and EPA. These are obviously abbreviations for each type of fatty acid.

The two types of fatty acids that are vital for adequate brain health are EPA and DHA. For optimal consumption of the ALA fatty acid one of the foods that you can eat is oil from flax seeds. The best way to get large amounts of DHA and EPA omega acids is through fish oils.

The recommended way to get high levels of DHA and EPA Omega 3 acids is through fish oil supplements rather than through eating actual fish. There is a long list of Omega 3 foods that you can eat to obtain quality amounts of all of the essential fatty acids. Eating broccoli, scallops, cauliflower, walnuts, spinach, kale, almonds, tuna, shrimp, tofu, mussels, hoki, salmon, cabbage, sardines, and strawberries will give you healthy amounts of these essential oils.

Eating a healthy and balanced diet using the above foods will give you the healthiest amount of these essential oils. A healthy and balanced diet will maximize the overall effects of the foods that you eat that contain the essential fatty oils.

Including at least a couple of the above foods in your daily diet is going to allow you to live a much healthier lifestyle with optimum brain function and heart protection.

By: Sandy Rutherforde

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Are you interested in learning more about omega 3 fatty acids? Be sure to visit my site to find out more about omega 3 in pregnancy.