Saturday, September 27, 2008

Information About Health Supplements

By: Caroline James

Health supplements today have become a necessity if one wants to empower her/his own body against aging and disease. Some argue that health supplements are not at all necessary but with the invention of food processing methods and modern farming practices, food quality is now lower in nutrient density.

Chemical fertilizers, environmental pollution, and food preservatives have deprived us from essential nutrients that are needed to fend off diseases and repair our immune system. Nutritional health supplements hence are necessary to close this nutrient gap. These nutrients include minerals and vitamins but also have traces of amino acids, co-vitamins and much more. These health supplements are made up of concentrated whole foods. We all know that tomatoes are a great source of vitamins E and C. You will have to eat half a dozen tomatoes a day to get these nutrients in proper amount. But dehydrate them and grind them up and then put them into soluble capsules and you can achieve the same result.

In order to maintain good normal vision, you can use eye health supplements. They promote eye health and lower the risk of eye related diseases such as macular degeneration. These health supplements are basically capsules and are a powerful antioxidant. They are necessary if you want your eyes to remain healthy. They protect your eyes from any kind of free radical damage. They contain key nutrients that are known to support eye health.

Heart health supplements can also be a good addition to your daily diet. The heart is a very important organ of our body; hence, everything should be done to protect it. These supplements help to protect your heart and ensure that the circulatory system is functioning smoothly. They help to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. Some powerful antioxidants lower plaque in arteries and are often used for treating congestive heart disease.

These capsules are scientifically formulated and contain high quality raw ingredients. They contain ingredients such as vitamins B, E and C that support your heart health. These supplements are used to tone and strengthen your circulatory system, especially the venous system. Ingredients used are standardized that means utmost care is taken so that customers get the quality they deserve and expect.

Digestive health is also a crucial part of your healthy body. A poor diet can weaken your digestive system. One way of improving digestive health is by taking natural digestive health supplements. They effectively treat indigestion, intestinal problems, bloating, colon problems, and other digestive troubles. For proper digestion, you should take supplements that contain digestive enzymes. These enzymes are special proteins that improve your digestion. Digestive enzyme supplements can definitely reduce occurrence of indigestion.

The pressure to reduce extra kilos seems to be increasing these days. Weight loss dietary supplements are created to help you lose weight faster while you exercise. Taking these dietary supplements with a healthy food diet can indeed help you to lose weight. They have gained tremendous popularity due to their ability to dispose and burn of fat.

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Are you interested in improving the health of your heart? If so, check out the new advanced magnesium super mineral product pMg. Simply click on and learn more about this patented product.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Anti Aging Supplements

By: David Cowley

Supplements play an important role in making you look and feel younger. There are many anti-aging supplements on the market today and option varies widely as to their effectiveness and to any possible health hazards. Anti aging supplements are known to work in different ways in combating the aging process.

Supplements containing DHEA (Dehydroepiandorsterone) is believed to slow down the aging process, increase your sex drive, and assists in removing fat from the body. DHEA is also being tested for its ability to prevent and fight certain types of cancer. Scientists believe that the human body production of DHEA peaks at around 25 years of age and by the age of 80 it has dropped to less that 10 percent of that amount. It is often referred to as the Anti-Aging Hormone because specific DHEA receptors are found in cells throughout the human body.

Research on DHEA is still ongoing and the positive effects can be highly beneficial you should also consider the possible side effects prior to starting any type of hormonal anti-aging therapy. Some research has shown that DHEA can damage the liver and may be harmful to the prostate gland.

Phytonutrients found naturally in fruits and vegetables can significantly reduce the risk of cancer because of their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Aspirin was originally extracted from the bark of the White Willow Tree and is now synthetically produced has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. Taxol was initially extracted from the Pacific Yew Tree and is the number one drug used for treating Cancer.

Diindolylemthane is another Phytonutrients found in vegetables such as Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Kale and Brussels sprouts used in the treatment of cancers caused the Human Papilloma Virus. The National Cancer Institute of the United States is testing this compound in the treatment of prostate, lung, colon, and cervical cancers. Phytonutrients is believed to be destroyed by cooking and by modern food processing techniques. For this reason only fresh uncooked Phytonutrients should be consumed.

Lycopene found in tomatoes is in clinical trials for Prostate cancer and Heart disease. It has been shown to improve blood flow throughout the human body. A nutritional study has shown that a diet rich and broccoli and tomatoes was more effective in limiting prostate cancer growth than any of the leading drugs for prostate cancer.

Bioflavanoids provide visible benefits to the anti-aging process such as reducing wrinkles, improving skin tone, helping to prevent sagging skin as well as improves pigmentation.

Substances called Antioxidants can neutralize free radical by pairing up or binding with the free radical elections thus inhibiting them from damaging cells in the human body. Natural Antioxidants are abundant in fruits and vegetables such as, apples, blueberries, broccoli, cherries, cranberries, Grapes, spinach, and Spirulina a blue-green algae.

Studies of the Greenland Eskimos lack of heart attacks have show that Eico-Sapentaenoic Acid (EPA) lowers blood cholesterol considerably, even more than polyunsaturated fat does. It also triggers a major drop in triglycerides. Salmon Oil is one of the best known sources of natural EPA.

Fish oil contains omega 3 and fatty acids, which have been shown to stimulate the brain and increase memory and mental awareness.

Foti also called He Shou Wu in China is legendary in its ability to lengthen life. Modern studies have show that Foti has the ability to lower serum cholesterol, prevent premature gray hair, promote red blood cell growth, and to increase longevity on a cellular level. This herb raises the level of the naturally occurring antioxidant Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) in the body.

Anti-Aging supplement can be very effective but they must be used in conjunction with a healthy diet. Care must be take to also ensure that you remain active both physically as well as mentally. If you just feel that you need vitamins, supplements or herbs to fight the aging process then find a good health care professional prior to starting any type of home treatment.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

Article Directory:
David Cowley has created numerous articles on Anti Aging. He has also created a Web Site dedicated to Anti Aging and how to treat it. Visit Aging Treatment