Saturday, January 5, 2013

Natural Antioxidants Fruit For Your Good Health

Antioxidants are logically occurring materials that are initiated in most plants as well as have the latent to help in fighting heart diseases as well as fight cancer. Phytonutrients are an astonishing discovery. The scientists have cataloged over nine hundred phytonutrients (phytochemicals) and more are being revealed all the time as well as the whole area of nourishment and preventive health care is opening up. Recent studies have pointed out the phytonutrients which are initiated in fruit that provides a whole host of natural fitness benefits; blueberries, pomegranates can decrease the signs of aging, whereas cherries can help alleviate joint ache.

Consisting of less sugar than most fruits, the blueberry can also possess a number of other antioxidant too. The easiest way to insert rigorous amounts of these fruits is by consuming juice every day, habitual consumption can help our movement as well as enhance our capability to fight against diseases. Sickness is as well reduced, as there are chances of illness from the powerful antioxidants they enclose. You will in addition find high stages of these substances in apples that can help to decrease the chance of heart sickness.

The likes of several citrus fruits as well have health advantages associated with the physiochemical they enclose. The health advantages of tart cherries are at present being investigated as a way to assist those who suffer with joint circumstances because they contain anti-inflammatory goods. The advantages of vitamins B, C, E along with certain other minerals are well considered and widely recognized. Phytoalexins, as well as antioxidants like resveratrol, are originated in blackberries; mulberries and blueberries have special properties that avoid viruses and infection.

Lots of people with other aging circumstances prevalent around the humankind, for illustration: stroke, heart attacks and Alzheimer's can all advantage as soon as these compounds are made use of. The advantage of tomatoes has been in the reports recently with the trust that it contains anti-cancer properties in addition to those that can assist getting rid of heart disease.

The most excellent way to give attention to these antioxidant properties has been originated when we apply tomato sauce, puree as well as juice. In fact it is the most significant discovered till now. People have been given advice to consume more fruits (more than they at present consume) for a short time but at present the science behind this is finally beginning to show through.

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You should inquire about how resveratrol acts in your body before you decide to buy resveratrol.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

6 Healthy Foods That Can Actually Reduce Stress

The general belief goes that it is usually an external factor that drives people towards a stressful life. The reality however is, that getting stressed is your mind and body’s reaction towards that external factor.

Just like it is up to you to be optimistic or pessimistic about an uncertain situation, the same goes for stress. Why then the statistics of stressed Americans stand at a startling 73%? Surely they are not all cynics, could it be that how a person react to stress is brought about by factors not entirely concerned with will power and optimism?.
 One of the often overlooked causes of stress is wrong diet, and considering that the rate of obesity is increasing upward along with the number of stressed people in America, there most definitely is a link between the two. Eating junk food regularly deprive the body of essential nutrients and vitamins. Also, eating rich food high in fat and carbohydrate stimulates the cortisol or stress hormones to crave more of such food when they you are stressed. This is where the concept of comfort and binge eating springs from.

Since, food is an essential component for a stress-free life, here’s taking a look at the various food items that help to take control of and better manage a stressful situation. Remember the idea here is to tap into the properties of calming food and not ‘comfort’ food.

Vitamin C- Look for foods that are brimming with Vitamin C, as this type of Vitamin directly brings down the cortisol level. Additionally, Vitamin C has been proven good for the immune system too. Oranges, Broccoli, Guava, Kiwi, and herbs like thyme and parsley are the highest carriers of Vitamin C.

Vitamin B12- There are several neurotransmitters running through the body, one such neurotransmitter GABA produces instant calming effect. Having food rich in Vitamin B12 help to produce GABA and hence reduces stress. Chicken, salmon, and fat-free milk and yogurt are rich in B12

Magnesium- Magnesium helps in the production of GABA. Whenever you are stressed, your magnesium level tends to drop low leading to a reduction in the formation of GABA. Having food rich in magnesium, like spinach, tofu, almonds, and sunflower will give a boost to the nervous system and trigger the production of both GABA and dopamine (the feel good hormones).

Folic Acid- If pregnancy is the cause of your stress; you need to up your intake of folic acid. Folate helps in the production of dopamine and keeps you satiated for a longer period of time. Chickpeas, asparagus, lentils, leafy vegetables like spinach and kale are good sources of folic acid.

Antioxidants- Antioxidants are known to dismutase certain enzymes to lower the level of stress and anxiety. Blueberries, bananas, beans, and green tea are the storehouse of antioxidants.

Zinc- In a study conducted, it was found that a lack of zinc can make a person prone to stress and anxiety. Nuts, including cashew, peanuts, walnuts, and almonds are rich in Zinc and make for healthy snacking options too.

Next time, keep a tab on your diet and notice a change in your stress level.

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My name is Mulyadi Kurnia. I am a practitioner of meditation and yoga and has been experiencing the benefits of the practices. Having gone through the periods of stress and anxiety myself, I know first hand of how unpleasant this experience could be. Through this article, I intend to share my knowledge and experience on stress-related topics. For more information on stress management tips, visit,