Saturday, January 19, 2013

Food for sport

Sports nutritionist Wendy Martinson shares her tips on food and drink for sport, and how a good diet can help you get the best fitness and sport results.
Wendy advises Olympic athletes and England football players on their diet. She is a consultant sports nutritionist to the British Olympic Association, and is a registered dietitian who works with the NHS as a clinical nutrition service manager.

Can I eat more when I'm doing lots of exercise?

If you're doing lots of exercise, you'll use more energy each day than if you did little or none. So if you don’t want to lose body fat, you need to eat more food each day.
But still make sure that you have a balanced diet. Aim for larger portions of carbohydrate-rich foods such as wholegrain pasta, rice, sweet potato, porridge and breakfast cereals.
Learn more about a balanced diet in The Eatwell plate.

Is it better to eat a diet high in starchy carbohydrates or protein when I'm training?

Carbohydrates are the fuel that power your exercise regime.
Protein is needed in moderate amounts for muscle growth and repair, but the main form of energy used during exercise is carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates are the most important fuel for muscles, and an essential energy source for the brain and central nervous system.
Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen in the muscles and liver. These stores are small, so a regular intake of carbohydrate is necessary to keep them topped up. Low glycogen stores will result in poor performance and increase the risk of injury.
The proportions of carbohydrate and protein required will vary depending on the sport, so it's best to seek advice from a qualified professional on your individual requirements.
Learn more in Starchy foods.

How should I time my meals and snacks around exercise?

Once you’ve eaten a meal or snack, allow between one and four hours to pass before you start exercising. Your body needs time to digest. The amount of time will depend on the amount of food you've eaten.
If it's an average meal, eating around two hours before you exercise works well. The meal should be high in carbohydrate, low in fat and low to moderate in protein. Too much protein or fat will slow down the movement of foods from the stomach, and will make you feel uncomfortable.
Food and drink also plays a part in recovering effectively from training. Good recovery is crucial to prevent a midweek slump in energy levels, and to aid muscle growth and repair. When you finish training, aim to have a carbohydrate-rich food or drink within 30 minutes.

Do I need to drink when I exercise?

Dehydration is when the water content in your body falls too low. It can have a major effect on exercise performance. It's important to start any exercise session well hydrated. Do this by drinking water, squash or diluted fruit juice regularly during the course of the day.
For any exercise that lasts longer than 30 minutes, drink fluid while you're doing it. The more you sweat, the more you’ll need to drink.
Water is usually enough for low-intensity exercise up to 50 minutes. For higher-intensity exercise lasting more than 50 minutes, or lower-intensity exercise lasting hours, a sports drink would be of benefit.
The carbohydrates in a sports drink will help to maintain energy levels, and the salt helps to keep you hydrated.
Learn more in Water and drinks.

My friend exercises to lose weight, but I exercise to build muscle. Should our diets be different?

Yes. To lose weight, or more specifically body fat, the amount of energy that you consume has to be less than the amount of energy you burn. You’ll need a diet and exercise regime that makes this happen.
There are key steps you can take to reduce the energy content in your daily diet. Reduce fat, which is the most concentrated source of energy, and reduce alcohol. Eat fewer sugary foods, such as sweets, chocolates, cakes, biscuits and sugary drinks, and eat regular but smaller portions of complex carbohydrate foods, such as wholegrain bread, rice and pasta.
Protein foods such as chicken, fish, lean red meat and low-fat dairy foods should be included in moderate amounts. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. It's important to control portion sizes, too.
Learn more Start losing weight.
But to build muscle you need to combine resistance training (also called strength training) with a diet that includes enough energy to enable your body to make muscle.
This energy should come mainly in the form of carbohydrate-rich foods, but you’ll also need a little more protein to provide muscle. Large amounts of protein aren't required.
A particularly effective approach is to eat small amounts of protein and carbohydrate before and after the resistance training session. A low-fat milkshake can work well.

Should I take extra supplements when I'm playing sport?

There are many different supplements on the market. Some of them are based on solid research, and others aren't. Athletes need to consider supplements with extreme caution. In the past, some supplements were found to have been contaminated with banned substances.
First, ensure that you have a balanced, healthy diet that suits your sport. Consult a registered dietitian or nutritionist with expertise in sports nutrition. They can assess this and advise you on particular supplements.
You can find these experts on the register of sport and exercise nutritionists at the Sport and Exercise Nutrition Register or viaSports Dietitians UK.

Source :

Monday, January 14, 2013

Umami, Cita Rasa Ke 5 yang Tak Sekedar Lezat

Photo : detikFood

Flora Febrianindya - detikFood

Jakarta - Sejalan dengan berkembangnya industri kuliner tanah air, istilah yang dikenalpun makin banyak dan kaya. Apalagi beberapa ikon kuliner juga mulai menciptakan jargon khas. Salah satunya istilah 'umami' yang ternyata sudah dikenal di Jepang sejak seabad silam.

Seperti halnya delicious dan lekker,umami juga sering digunakan sebagai gambaran kelezatan masakan. Umami bisa diartikan sebagai cita rasa ke 5 setelah manis, asin, asam dan pahit yang terasa di lidah sebagai reseptor rasa. Umami sendiri memiliki arti ‘gurih’. Kata ini sudah ditemukan lebih dari 100 tahun yang lalu di Jepang, dan diambil dari kata umai (lezat) dan mi (rasa).

Umami dihasilkan oleh kandungan asam amino glutamat dan jugaribonucleotides, termasuk inosinate dan guanylate yang tercecap di lidah. Cita rasa ini juga menjadi perhatian Dr. Kikunae Ikeda, seorang ahli kimia dariTokyo Imperial University. Di tahun 1908, ia berhasil membuat ekstrak glutamat dari bahan kombu atau rumput laut.

Di negara asalnya, umami identik dengan bahan kombu dashi atau kaldu Jepang berbahan dasar rumput laut yang dikeringkan. Hasil laut ini diolah menjadi pelengkap masakan, dan menciptakan cita rasa umami. Karenanya, umami bukanlah sebuah merk, namun rasa di indera pencecap yang terjejak karena makanan yang dinikmati.

“Kata-kata umami bukanlah brand. Kata umami adalah umum, siapapun bisa pakai. Siapapun bisa mendapatkan rasa gurih atau umami, tak hanya orang Jepang. Nah, bumbu penyedap masakan adalah salah satu sumber penghasil rasa umami,” kata Taro Komura, Presiden Direktur PT Ajinomoto Sales Indonesia.

Rasa umami tak hanya dihasilkan dari rumput laut saja. Aneka bahan lokal juga bisa dimanfaatkan untuk mendapatkan rasa umami yang maksimal. Dari mulai aneka ragam sayuran, daging ayam, sapi, seafood, ikan, jamur dan lainnya. Rasa umami bisa dihasilkan dari kreativitas dalam meracik makanan dengan berbagai komposisi.

Bahkan chef Kimio Nonaga, Brand Ambassador Ajinomoto yang juga pemenang Iron Chef 2002, menggunakan bahan lokal dari Indonesia untuk menciptakan rasa umami. Ia memakai 3 bahan, yaitu tempe, kangkung dan juga daging ayam sebagai sumber rasa umami pada masakan.

Seperti dituturkan Komura, pihaknya selaku produsen bumbu masak ternama sangat mengunggulkan cita rasa umami. “Ajinomoto adalah salah satu sumber umami. Karenanya, Ajinomoto bisa disebut sebagaiumami seasoning karena istilah umami pertama kali dikomersilkan dalam bentuk bumbu Ajinomoto,” tutup pria asal Jepang yang fasih berbahasa Indonesia ini.
