Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Inilah Diet Paling Aman untuk Tubuh

Inilah Diet Paling Aman untuk Tubuh


Karbohidrat dikatakan menyebabkan kegemukan. Karena itu, banyak orang cenderung mengurangi asupan karbohidrat atau menjalani diet rendah karbohidrat. Tapi, apakah benar diet rendah karbohidrat juga cukup aman buat kita?
Diet rendah karbohidrat atau low carbohydrate diet (low-carb diet) sering disebut diet Atkins. Ini adalah jenis yang diperkenalkan oleh seorang ahli nutrisi asal Amerika, Dr. Robert Coleman Atkins, pada tahun 1970 silam dan popular justru di tahun 2000-an.
Menurut Dr Samuel Oetoro, MD, diet rendah karbohidrat adalah jenis diet yang dilakukan dengan cara membatasi asupan makanan sumber karbohidrat. Orang tidak lagi mengonsumsi nasi, kentang dan sumber karbohidrat lain.
Setidaknya ada tiga unsur dalam karbohidrat, yakni karbon, hidrogen dan oksigen. Tiap gram karbohidrat menurut Samuel menghasilkan empat kalori energi (4 kkal). Selain sebagai sumber energi, karbohidrat juga bermanfaat memacu kerja otak dan otot tubuh.
Bila seseorang menjalani diet karbohidrat, sumber energi dengan sendirinya berasal dari makanan tinggi protein dan lemak. Padahal tingginya protein dan lemak bisa juga menyebabkan banyak masalah. salah satunya adalah meningginya kolesterol tubuh yang pada akhirnya juga menyebabkan terjadinya aterosklerosis atau penyumbatan pembuluh darah.
Berlebihnya asupan protein dan lemak juga sebabkan kerja ginjal terlalu berat. Karena itu tidak bisa kita mengurangi satu kemudian memperbanyak asupan makan yang lain.
Bagaimanapun, yang paling masuk akal adalah tetap menjalani diet dengan gizi seimbang. Ini artinya setiap kali kita makan, asupan makanan sumber karbohidrat, lemak, protein ada semua dengan takaran tertentu. Diet jenis ini adalah yang paling aman.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Vacuum Food Sealers As An Investment For The Future And Your Healthiness

Vacuum food sealers are an investment decision for the future. Some may say that they are not worth the money and they're expensive, but this conjecture is put to rest as soon as you own one of your very own best food sealers. The cash spent on a quality vacuum food sealer is absolutely an investment. You can vacuum seal all of your dry foods for a longer and healthier shelf life, you can store your food in the refrigerator or freezer, so as you can see; they have several functions for use. If you invest in one there will be a stop to throwing away food due to old age dates, mold, frost bite and mildew. By using a vacuum sealer you will most absolutely quadruple the shelf life of any particular food. Vacuum sealers are very simple and fool-proof to use.

Vacuum food sealers completely eliminate all the air from the special vacuum sealer freezer bags (in which you put your food in) and seals the special freezer bags with an airtight heat seal. This simplistic system will certainly impress you once you understand that you will be saving money and time from spoiled foods and various visits to the grocery store. Vacuum food sealers work internally by performing three key tasks without hard work from you. They remove oxygen (by sealing air out of the bag) which dramatically slows down the making of mold and bacterial growth. Vacuum food sealers are a must have for the reason that they also keep and create a moisture barrier.

Countless people are worried that as a result of totally getting rid of all the air from the vacuum sealed freezer bags, that their meat will lose all of its moisture and in turn make it dry, on the contrary this is not the case. Vacuum sealers keep the moisture in your foods while at the same time keeping excess moisture out. This will prevent you from opening a bag and having slimy meat! And lastly a vacuum food sealer is a must have because it makes a flavor barrier that makes it possible for the food being stored to retain its entire original flavor, and keeping the unwelcome flavors out. Vacuum food sealers are a must have in every kitchen because once you open a sealed package, the taste is just as fresh and vivacious as when you first sealed it up over a month ago!

There are countless uses that come from purchasing a vacuum food sealer. You can vacuum seal practically every single dry food for extended shelf storage such as whole bean or ground coffee for long-term storage without the worry of it going bad, you can store nuts and seed for longer periods of time at room temperature, and you can even vacuum seal soups or stews. Vacuum sealers are great for saving left overs in the refrigerator or the freezer without them getting frost bite or obtaining mildew. There are endless uses for a vacuum food sealer in which they save you time and money!!

By: BobN
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
Bob Nielsen is co-owner of the Food Sealer Shop an online retail store. His website offers some of the best high quality Vacuum Food Sealers and Food Dehydrators on the internet for your everyday packaging of nutritious foods on a fixed budget. His products are always at cheap discount prices because he is an authorized online reseller of numerous major brand name manufacturers, thus cutting out the middle-man.