Sunday, November 24, 2013

Fiber And How To Include More In Your Diet

Fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet and yet many of us
don’t know what it is or how to increase our intake of it. A diet
high in fiber provides many benefits, including regulation of bowel
movements, reduction of heart disease and diabetes, and maintenance
of a healthy weight. Most people are not getting enough fiber in
their diets because processed foods, the mainstay of many people’s diets,
do not contain a lot of fiber.

Dietary fiber, essentially, is the component of plant foods that the body
cannot digest. The body does not absorb fiber; it passes through the
body intact. The function of fiber is to aid the passage of other foods
through the digestive tract. There are two types of fiber, soluble and
insoluble. Both of these types of fiber help the digestive process, and
both are important, but they behave in different ways.

Soluble fiber dissolves in water to form a gel like substance. This type
of fiber helps you feel full longer because it stays in your stomach for
long time and thus will help control your appetite. Studies have shown 
that soluble fiber helps prevent the absorption of LDL cholesterol, and 
can lower glucose levels. Good sources of soluble fiber are oats, apples, 
peas, citrus fruits, and psyllium.

Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water. It aids digestion because it
helps regulate the journey of other foods through the digestive tract.
Insoluble fiber should be added to your diet if you struggle with constipation
or a sluggish bowel. Insoluble fiber is the type of fiber that most people
know a little about and are consciously eating in their breakfast
cereal to keep them “regular”. Good sources include bran, whole
grains, barley, and green beans. Some fruits and vegetable contain
both soluble and insoluble fiber; their skins contain insoluble fiber
and their flesh contains soluble fiber. For this reason, it is recommended
that we include at least five servings of fruits and vegetables in our diets.

Most people are not getting enough fiber in their diet. Not only
does fiber help to keep your bowel movements regular and keep
your digestive tract healthy, but it can help you maintain a healthy
weight. It is recommended that men consume approximately 35
grams of fiber on a daily basis and women consume 25 grams.
Today, because we are consuming so many processed foods,
and so few fruits and vegetables, it is thought that most adults
are eating only half their daily recommendation of fiber. To increase
fiber in your diet try to add foods to your diet that contain both
soluble and insoluble fiber. If you are not used to eating any fiber
at all increase your fiber intake gradually to avoid any digestive
problems. Decreasing the amount of processed foods you eat,
and adding whole fresh foods like fruits and vegetables and whole
grains to your diet, will increase your fiber intake and is the key
to a healthy diet.

Article Directory:
Canadian magazines are a good place to find information on
fiber and how to include it in a healthy diet.Women to women magazines
are also a good source of recipes that include fiber, and nutritional
recommendations for you and your family.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

BAWANG PUTIH Untuk Menyembuhkan Keputihan

Bawang putih bisa membantu menyehatkan payudara
Foto : Sumber :

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Satu siung bawang putih segar dapat menyembuhkan infeksi jamur. Infeksi yang dikenal dengan istilah keputihan ini biasanya sering menyerang 'Miss V' (bagian kewanitaan).

Hari pertama, biasanya seorang wanita hanya merasakan gatal yang datang dan pergi. Hari berikutnya, dua atau tiga hari kemudian, mulai terlihat cairan putih dan kental, seperti potongan-potongan kecil serutan keju. Pada saat itulah, seorang wanita dinyatakan telah terkena infeksi jamur yang kemudian menyebabkan bibir vagina menjadi merah dan sakit.

Jika anda adalah wanita yang sering mengalami infeksi jamur di bagian kewanitaan khusus, maka anda bisa menggunakan perawatan berikut, dilansir dari Green Media Info, Selasa (19/11).

Ambil satu siung bawang putih segar, kupas kulitnya. Sebelum anda tidur, taruh bawang putih yang sudah dipotong menjadi dua tersebut ke Miss V. Di pagi harinya, anda boleh melepaskannya.

Bawang putih efektif menyebabkan keputihan anda akan menjadi encer. Pengobatan satu malam saja mungkin cukup untuk membunuh infeksi tersebut. Jika belum, anda bisa mengulangnya pada malam berikutnya, sampai semua gatal hilang. 

Anda hanya disarankan melakukan pengobatan tradisional ini pada malam hari. 

Jika anda tidak hanya memiliki masalah keputihan, tapi juga bibir vagina yang memerah, maka anda bisa mengompres bagian tersebut dengan Miss V dengan lebih dari satu siung bawang putih. 

Gunakan tisu kering untuk membersihkan Miss V anda ketika bangun dipagi hari, baru beberapa saat setelah itu membersihkannya dengan air.
Reporter : Mutia Ramadhani
Redaktur : Hazliansyah