Ragi is common name for the starter which is used in the preparation of Indonesion fermented foods. There are two kinds of ragi can be distinguished in Indonesia.
The first, “ragi tempe”. In many villages this starter is known as “laru” or laru tempe” or “biang tempe” and can be used for the manufacture of any kind of the tempe (soybeans, tofu wastes, edible legumes). The preparation of the starter : cooked cotyledons of soybeans are wrapped as thin layer in leaves of Hibiscus similis for 24 – 48 hours. The heavily sporulating bean mass is sun dried and pounded in to powder. The mould isolated are Rhyzopus oryzae, Rhyzopus arrhizus and Rhyzopus oligosporus is the real tempe mould. All these starters contains microorganisms wich can produce enzyme necessarry to de grade the substrate to produce that desired flavour and aroma of the fermented products. Ragi tempe contains coulds wich produce protease, lipases and amylases.
The second, “Ragi tape”. This starter is similar to Chinese peh-chu wich is used for the fermentation of cassava tubers or glutinous rice. Ragi tape is contains Amylomyces rouxii, Rhyzopus oryzae and Saccharomyces fibuligera. Ragi tape contain amylolytic moulds. ( Indonesian Food and Nutrition Progress ).
The first, “ragi tempe”. In many villages this starter is known as “laru” or laru tempe” or “biang tempe” and can be used for the manufacture of any kind of the tempe (soybeans, tofu wastes, edible legumes). The preparation of the starter : cooked cotyledons of soybeans are wrapped as thin layer in leaves of Hibiscus similis for 24 – 48 hours. The heavily sporulating bean mass is sun dried and pounded in to powder. The mould isolated are Rhyzopus oryzae, Rhyzopus arrhizus and Rhyzopus oligosporus is the real tempe mould. All these starters contains microorganisms wich can produce enzyme necessarry to de grade the substrate to produce that desired flavour and aroma of the fermented products. Ragi tempe contains coulds wich produce protease, lipases and amylases.
The second, “Ragi tape”. This starter is similar to Chinese peh-chu wich is used for the fermentation of cassava tubers or glutinous rice. Ragi tape is contains Amylomyces rouxii, Rhyzopus oryzae and Saccharomyces fibuligera. Ragi tape contain amylolytic moulds. ( Indonesian Food and Nutrition Progress ).