Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Semangka, Berfungsi Sebagai Obat Alami Untuk Pria dan Bersihkan Ginjal

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Jakarta - Semangka yang manis berair dan renyah cocok untuk pelepas dahaga. Selain memberi asupan cairan, semangka juga kaya akan khasiat. Namun, siapa sangka, semangka tak hanya bisa mengatasi nfeksi usus hingga viagra alami.

Buah yang merah atau kuning cerah dengan rasa renyah ini punya sejumlah khasiat kesehatan. Karenanya baik dikonsumsi rutin. Berikut ini beberapa khasiat hebat semangka.

1. Membersihkan ginjal
Ternyata rasanya yang manis dan berair tak hanya dapat menghilangkan rasa dahaga saja. Semangka juga bisa menyembuhkan ginjal yang bermasalah. Caranya, Anda diharuskan untuk puasa semangka selama dua hari penuh. Artinya, Anda tidak makan apa-apa kecuali semangka saja. Hal ini juga berlaku untuk Anda yang mempunyai infeksi pada ginjal.
2. Disfungsi hati
Jika mempunyai masalah pada cara kerja hati atau liver juga dapat bergantung pada buah yang masuk dalam jenis melon ini. Caranya mudah, minumlah tiga cangkir jus semangka segar setiap harinya.

3. Jamur kulit
Tak hanya penyakit dalam, penyakit luar seperti jamur pada kulit juga bisa digempur dengan semangka. Jamur kulit pasti mengganggu penampilan. Ambillah kulit semangka bagian dalam yang menyatu dengan daging semangka yang biasanya berwarna putih. Gosokkan pada kulit yang terkena jamur. Kulit semangka ini ternyata mengandung sifat anti jamur yang ampuh.

4. Tekanan darah tinggi dan diabetes
Ternyata kadar gula semangka tak sebanyak dikira orang, kadar gulanya ternyata sangat kecil. Untuk itu, mengonsumsi gula sangatlah dianjurkan. Untuk penderita darah tinggi, semangka dianjurkan dikonsumsi dengan cara dibuat jus.

5. Muntah-muntah dan infeksi usus
Muntah-muntah yang terus menerus menyebabkan perut Anda perih dan tak leluasa beraktivitas. Makanlah beberapa gelas jus semangka dalam keadaan perut kosong, hal ini dapat mengurangi mual. Selain itu, diam-diam ternyata semangka mempunyai sifat antiinflamasi yang baik dan dapat menyembuhkan infeksi pada usus.

6. Obat kuat pria
Di dalam semangka, ada zat yang bernama likopen, zat yang sama seperti di dalam tomat. Beta karoten dan citrulin juga ada di dalamnya. Ketiga zat ini disebut-sebut sebagai zat yang mempunyai fungsi merileksasi pembuluh-pembuluh darah. Fungsi ini adalah fungsi yang sama seperti kerja pil biru, Viagra 

Tania Natalin - detikFood

Important Information About Juicing(fruit)and Its Many Benefits For The Body

Many people who enjoy healthy eating, have taken an interest in juicing (fruit). This process of blending selected fruits into a delicious and healthful beverage is an excellent way to satisfy one's daily recommended intake of fresh produce. It not only supplies the body with a powerful punch of nutrients, but is also convenient in that it can be bottled up and taken anywhere one goes.

There are many tasty fruits to choose from, each with their own valuable enzymes, anti-oxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals. Research suggests that sufficient intake of these foods can help protect the body from numerous degenerative diseases, auto-immune disorders, viruses, and even some kinds of cancer. The useful substances found in fruits lend themselves to strengthening and regulating body processes.

Juice extractors are machines used to make fresh fruit juice. They work by mechanically separating the juice from the solid part of the fruits. There are two types; centrifugal and masticating. The first kind are faster and easier to use, while the last type are more thorough and typically produce a richer-tasting drink.

Juicing has many advantages to the overall health of the body. One benefit is that it permits better absorption of nutrients as the solid produce is actually converted into a pre-digested form when it is put through the juicer. Once they are ingested, the body can instantly absorb all of the nutrients without having process large pieces.

Juicing also dessicates the tough fibers in which the majority of nutrients are contained. Since these are not digestible, the body cannot normally fully access the substances within them, therefore only a small portion of the total nutritional value of the fruit is received. When juiced, all of these nutrients are released to be used by the body for important actions such as cleansing the blood.

Produce that has been grown organically and not processed or combined with additives is by far the best for making juice. Pre-processing not only depletes vitamins, enzymes, and minerals, but it also adds potentially harmful chemicals. Raw fruit should be used; all that is needed to prepare it for the juicer is washing it thoroughly and cutting it into 1-inch cubes.

It is best to loosely load fruit chunks into the juicer's loading chute rather than pack them tightly, as this will permit more complete liquid extraction and ultimately more juice. After turning the machine on, the press should be applied steadily at an even pace to guide the pieces into the juicing blades. The solid pulp will collect in one spot and can be discarded, while the juice will pour from the dispensing chute. If not drank right away, it is important to store juice in a tightly-sealed container in the refrigerator.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of juicing (fruit) is the diversity of choices and never-ending number of tasty combinations that are possible. It is a good idea to begin with making one 8 ounce glass each day, which is better digested and processed by the body in the morning. Natural fruit juices are rather high in fructose and should not be consumed excessively by those who are diabetic or trying to control their weight. By using them as occasional dietary supplements they are a great way to meet nutritional requirements and boost one's immunity, and a much healthier option than bottled juices.

Article Directory:
Check out for complete details about the health benefits of juicing fruit, right now. You can also get a summary of the features of Espo orange juicers at today.