Monday, December 10, 2012

Sports Nutrition And The Application Of Supplements

In today’s society, Elite athletes as well as recreational athletes turn to a decent sports nutrition plan with expectation that by achieving good nutrition they will increase performance. As they build their regimen they bring in supplements as part of their sports nutrition lineup for insurance. Sadly some supplements can be expensive and they can also be potentially harmful to the body. The supplement industry is mostly unregulated and the majority of the supplements being sold have uncertain value or low-grade content. A number of the supplements that are supplied to the sports industry contain substances that have been in fact prohibited by sport associations or have been associated with high risk for mortality and morbidity. Nearly all athletes fail to take the time to gain education about sport nutrition or supplement use while participating in a sport, which is why reading articles such as this one, is so crucial. Knowledge of sports nutrition and use of supplements can aid you chose supplement brands intelligently.

Athletes can definitely check the company manufacturing sports supplements to verify content worth as well as to browse the Internet for any damaging view concerning the specific brand of supplements. Even if you settle to use supplements as part of your sports nutrition you still want to dine correctly by consuming a fruit or vegetable at every meal, by receiving protein at every breakfast and make sure to drink a sports drink that contains protein after exercising. Athletes should by no means skip meals. In fact, eating 4 to 5 meals a day will help supply all the nutrition and protein vital for the energy and muscle strength crucial to athletes.
Colorful meals will help to ensure that you are receiving all the sports nutrition necessary for competition strength and good health. Consuming raw fruits and vegetables will give any sports enthusiasts the right starts for a healthy sports nutrition diet.

The sports supplements that are the most beneficial to athletes are a daily multivitamin/mineral to insure your body has what it requires, use of a meal replacement powder when your life gets frantic or a meal replacement bar, use creatine for muscle strength, fish oil to aid you regain from exhausting workouts, flax oil and also glucosamine/chondroitin supplement to help support your joint health.

Supplements cannot and should not replace a healthy diet so any good sports nutrition plan has to include a balanced diet first with carefully selected quality supplements added to the plan for insurance. Make sure to confirm the supplement brand for banned substances and a wise move would be to look for NSF certification as well when exploring supplement brand alternatives.

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Supplements 2 U is a Brisbane based company commited to providing Sports Nutrition, Weight Management and Healthy & Well-being supplements at affordable prices.
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Friday, October 5, 2012

Can The Alkaline Diet Really Improve Your Health?

Believe it or not, our ancestors had a very different diet then the one most of us are used to these days. As technology advanced throughout the years, the types of food available to consume have dragged along as well. Grocery stores are filled with aisles and aisles of processed foods for both people and their pets. Finding a quick meal at a fast food joint is as easy as driving down to the nearest busy intersection.

You can point the finger at fad diets for introducing whole new eating habits. One of the most common is the high-protein diet. In the last few years we are eating more and more animal products and refined food items. And we are also forgetting about the fruits and vegetables that our bodies need each day. 
It is no wonder why so many people suffer from allergies of all kinds. Bone disease and heart problems are common as well. There are health experts that point the finger to the types of foods we eat when trying to explain the increase in these types of health issues. There is a certain balance in our bodies that must exist. Some foods cause this balance to be off. In return there is an increase in the chance of health problems. If we can change our eating habits there is a good possibility that prevention of disease and restoration of health can happen.

The Importance of Alkaline

The pH level, or alkaline to acid ratio in our bodies needs to be maintained at a healthy level. This pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. A level below 7 is considered to be acidic. Processed foods like meats, sweets, and some beverages cause high levels of acidity in the body.

One of the things that is linked to several different diseases is acidosis which is abnormally high acidity levels in the blood and other body tissues. There are health experts that feel acidosis is responsible for many fatal diseases that people are dealing with every day.

The body naturally neutralizes excess acidity by using alkaline. But, the alkaline in your body becomes depleted when there is too much acid to get rid of. Generally, we do not eat the types of food required to replenish our bodies alkaline levels.

Maintaining a Healthy pH Level

We mentioned earlier in this article that many health-related issues stem from acidosis. Tissues and organs are infiltrated by dangerous levels of acid when not properly neutralized. We must maintain a healthy pH balance in order to combat this. In order to reduce the excessive levels of acid, the bodies alkalinity level needs to be increased.

Easy-to-use pH level strips can be purchased in drug stores to determine whether or not your pH level is in the safe range. There are a two different types of pH level strips, those that test saliva and those that test urine.

The saliva pH level strip determines how much acid your body is producing. Throughout the day it should be somewhere between 6.5 and 7.5. The urine pH level strip works differently in that it determines how well you excrete excess amounts of acid. This level should be between 6.5 and 7.0 at night and 6.0 and 6.5 when tested in the morning.

The Dangers of Excessive Acid

Having high levels of acid in your body could be the cause of the exhaustion and headaches that you experience. Frequent colds and the flu can also be a result of excess acid. There are many other ill effects caused by having dangerous acid levels in your body. You may be surprised by the wide-ranging types of disease attributed to Acidosis.

Some diseases linked to excessive acid levels in the body are depression, hyper-acidity, ulcers, dry skin, acne and obesity. Some more serious results can be joint disease, osteoporosis, bronchitis, frequent infections and heart disease.

Many of us take medications to fight these illnesses but if we don't deal with the root of the issue our health will not improve because the symptoms are masked. In fact, taking pills, anti-inflammatory medication and such actually will cause our bodies to become more acidic.

Alkaline Diet Approach

The bodies pH level needs to be brought to normal in order to get to the root of these health problems. There are alkaline foods that will replenish the low alkaline levels in your body. In return the excess amounts of acid will be neutralized. Through and alkaline diet enough alkaline is added to the body in order to bring back the pH level to predominantly alkaline.

Exactly how do you introduce an alkaline diet into your everyday eating habits? The first step is to cut down on the amount of processed foods you eat each day. The chemicals in these foods increase the acidity of your body when they are digested. The second step is to avoid meat and meat products, dairies, and alcohol. The last step is to eat many fresh fruits and vegetables, which are naturally high in alkalinity.

As a matter of fact oranges and lemons,which are acidic,become alkaline after they have been digested and absorbed into the body. Ideally, 75% of your daily diet should consist of alkalizing foods. Excess acid is neutralized more efficiently when we provide our bodies with a sufficient amount of alkaline. 

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