Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ginkgo Biloba Extract: What Are The Health Benefits?

Before you buy a ginkgo biloba herbal remedy, why not take a moment to learn a little more about ginkgo biloba uses. You may be hoping for improved memory or a reduction of vertigo, but there are other ginkgo biloba uses, as well.

Ginkgo History-Briefly
The Ginkgo tree is considered a living fossil. While other plants have diverged and formed various species over time, this one has remained almost identical to its ancestors that were present during the Pliocene period of the planet, which occurred over a million years ago. There are some specimens, living today, that are believed to be over 1000 years old. They were the only plants to survive the bombing of Hiroshima in Japan. The trees were charred, but survived the bombing and soon returned to good health.

The ginkgo biloba herbal remedy is extracted from the leaves of the tree. It has been used for many years. The leaves have pharmaceutical activity and are generally taken in dosages ranging from 40-200mg per day.

Ginkgo Biloba Uses

Scientific studies have supported the ginkgo biloba uses for the health of the brain and other bodily organs, by showing that it increases the oxygen content of cells and tissues. It has been shown to increase mental clarity and concentration, as well as increasing alertness and short term memory retention. It is for this reason that it has been suggested for preventing Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases, although there are other plant extracts, such as curcumin, that are believed to have even more benefit in this area.


Other ginkgo biloba uses are to protect the health of the heart. It may, however, interact with certain heart medications. If you are currently taking a prescription medication, check with your doctor before you take this supplement.

Ears, Vertigo...

A ginkgo biloba herbal remedy may be beneficial for reducing vertigo, dizziness or tinnitus, which is ringing in the ears. Again, it will work best for these purposes, if it is combined with curcumin and ginger extracts. This combination is also known to reduce stress and anxiety. There are not really many “stand-alone” extracts. There are lots of beneficial ones and they work well together, as long as the supplement is well designed.

Hearing, Strokes...

One of the ginkgo biloba uses includes the prevention of hearing loss, as it supports blood flow to the ears. It may help prevent strokes and protect the arterial walls from cholesterol build up that can lead to blockages. It has antioxidant activity and boosts ATP levels (another important nutrient).

In traditional medicine, the ginkgo biloba herbal remedy was recognized as an aphrodisiac. It is now recommended for impotence and ED. By increasing blood flow, this is one of the ginkgo biloba uses that are very likely to be beneficial.

If you have any kind of health problem or just don’t have as much energy as you would like to, increasing your intake of trace nutrients and extracts that are commonly missing from the diet can help. A ginkgo biloba herbal remedy is one of the ingredients that your supplement should contain. For more information on the combination of Ginkgo Biloba Extract with other Herbal Extracts and their synergistic value, please see my website listed below. Larry L. Taylor

By: Larry L. Taylor

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Please visit for Larry's recommended Nutritional Supplements that contain Ginkgo Biloba Extract and many other Herbal Extracts

Monday, March 23, 2009

Liquid Multivitamins And Their Benefits On Health

Vitamins are known to be really powerful organic compounds available in little concentrations in different food sources. Vitamins are supported to function in certain specific ways and their role is vital for the body chemistry.

Multivitamins can be referred to as a combination of several vitamins and minerals. These are also available in the form of liquids, capsules, tablets and injections. These multi-vitamins play an important role in treating mineral and vitamin deficiency in the body. The deficiency may occur due to pregnancy, poor nutrition, frequent illnesses and reduced absorption of food items via stomach and several other conditions.

Liquid multivitamins are considered to be one of the most vital single supplements that can be consumed by anybody. Human body can perform to its ultimate level only when it is provided with a full fledged and complex line of important nutrients such as vitamin B, vitamin A and Vitamin K in conjunction with other important vitamins.

It is very necessary to consume high power multivitamins on a daily basis as it ensures that the presence of important co-factors. These further fights out several metabolic reactions that can result in impairments to several enzymatic processes that take place in the human body.

Vitamins are naturally found in the normal diet of an individual. However, due to the kind of irregular diet that we take these days, such as junk food, we are unable to get proper nutrient value. In order to make up for essential vitamin and mineral deficiencies, multivitamin should be taken in good amounts. However, you should make sure that multivitamins should be taken only when prescribed by a health care practitioner.

Liquid vitamins do not produce any side effects to the body. In fact, it is safe to use these multivitamins during pregnancy and breast feeding. These days, special pre-natal vitamins are available for babies. These are necessary for the healthy development of babies. Remember that large doses of certain vitamins can be really hazardous to the body.

One should consume liquid multivitamins with a glass full of water. Never consume these multivitamins on an empty stomach.

There are several benefits one can enjoy while having liquid multivitamins. One of the main benefits of this multivitamin in liquid form that it can be taken with ease. You don’t have to worry about swallowing large tablets and vitamins. These issues are not to be forced when it comes to taking liquid multivitamins supplements. These are also available in a wide variety of different flavors and pleasant to take.

Liquid multivitamins supplements can be easily absorbed by the body. This is because these vitamins do not require to be broken down in order to be absorbed. These are easily absorbed via the digestive process.

The liquid vitamins are absorbed immediately after they are taken. The effects of these vitamins are almost immediate once they enter inside the blood stream. This is because they are entered inside the blood stream in large quantities. Liquid vitamins taste better than those available in capsule or chewable form.

These are easy on digestion and have no side effects on the body.

By: Bertil Hjert

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