Sunday, September 25, 2011

Self-assembling proteins offer golden food future

By Prof. Simon B Widjanarko.

There is a big future for exploiting protein’s natural tendency to self-assembly into micelles or nanotubes, says a leading researcher in the field.

“Self-assembling of proteins is common. In fact, it’s more of a rule than an exception. If we can manipulate this self-assembling of proteins at the nanoscale, I see a big future for it,” said Professor Kees de Kruif from NIZO Food Research.
The majority of research in this area to date has focussed on dairy proteins, with the potential of casein micelles and alpha-lactalbumin nanotubes being explored, Prof de Kruif told FoodNavigator following his presentation to attendees at the Nanoscience conference at IFT Annual Meeting and Food Expo in New Orleans.
The protein casein makes up about 80 per cent of the protein content of cow’s milk (30-35 about 2.5 gram per litre grams per litre) and is found naturally in the form of spherical micelles with diameters ranging from 50 to 300 nanometres. The stability of these micelles during processing also makes them a very attractive nano-encapsulator.
Indeed, according to Prof de Kruif, Mother Nature designed the casein micelles to concentrate, stabilise and deliver nutrients to the newborn.
In nature, calcium phosphate is bound inside the micelles, but food scientist can replace calcium with other minerals or vitamins, thereby providing a delivery system for certain bioactive molecules.
“Caseins are very beautiful proteins, with functionalities in food unsurpassed by other food proteins,” said Prof. de Kruif. Indeed, they are very stable to heat, and the stability can be increased by cross-linking with transglutanimase (TGase).
Another dairy protein receiving interest from researchers is bovine alpha-lactalbumin.
By adding an enzyme to the protein, Prof de Kruif and his team were able to produce food-grade nanotubes.
“This was the first time that anyone made man-made nanotubes from proteins,” he said.
In addition, for food scientists, the tubular structures are more interesting than the spherical ones, he said.
Moreover, by taking the science further, and manipulating this self-assembly process, new proteins with new functionalities can be produced, said Prof de Kruif. “They could replace the use of gelatine.”
These nanotubes could also be used for encapsulation of ingredients, he said. Moreover, the nanotubes would not need to sealed and could be left open-ended. And how far away are we from using such nanotubes in food?
“This is still a bit far fetched in the sense that you can make the nanotubes and you can stabilise them, but they are too expensive for the food business at present,” he said.
“We need investment to scale this up.”
Beyond dairy
Since the self-assembling of proteins into intriguing structures is common to all proteins, Prof de Kruif says that, in principle, non-dairy proteins could be used.
“In theory, you need a long stiff molecule, like gelatine,” he said. “We should look at elongated structures because they’re the interesting ones, not the globular proteins.”
Study with plant proteins is still in its infancy, but the study performed with milk proteins should be translated to other proteins.
Prof de Kruif looks at the issue from a material science rather than food science point of view and focuses on understanding what properties the protein should have. “It’s the same as a chemical engineer asking what properties a plastic should have before they start developing it.”
The application of nanotechnology and nanoparticles in food are emerging rapidly, and some analysts predict that nanotechnology will be incorporated into 16.4bn worth of food products by 2010.
However, enthusiasm over the rate of progress and the possibilities is being tempered by concerns over possible downsides of the science.
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Simon B. Widjanarko
He is a Food Technologist. Kediri was the place where he was borned on October 1952. He is a professor since 2000 on Horticulture product technology. Office address: Department of Agricultural Product Technology. Faculty of Agriculture Technology, University of Brawijaya, Malang. Veteran Street, Malang 65145 Phone: +62-341-569214, 580106 Fax : +62-341-569214, 460518. Educational Background : Ph.D. March 1990 from School of Biologycal Sciences, Department of Food Technology, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. Supervisor: Prof. R.B.H. Wills Ph.D. Master of Applied Science, March 1983 from School of Food Technology, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia . Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. M. Wootton, Ph.D.. S-1 (Bachelor Degree) Agronomy, November 1977 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Brawijaya.. Current positions: Asesor BADAN AKREDITASI NASIONAL (BAN) PT, Reviewer RISTEK INSENTIF TERAPAN AND SENATE SECRETARY OF UNIVERSITY OF BRAWIJAYA, Asesor Sertifikasi Dosen (lectural sertification) on Plant Sciences including : Food Technology and related plant fields. Researcher on Artificial Food including artificial rice from local sources such as: cassava, sweet potatoes, legumes, corn, konjac flour (porang). Research interest at the moment: Food Component Interactions and Bioactive plant and marine products
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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Energy Drinks Can Help Or Harm

Energy drinks are (most often) carbonated drinks, intended to improve focus and increase physical performance. A pair of clinical studies have reported significant improvements in mental and cognitive performance, as well as increased subjective alertness. During repeated tests involving young healthy adults, it was determined that energy drinks can significantly increased upper body muscle endurance.
Consumers need to be aware that, these supplements do not provide food energy. Instead, energy drinks are scientifically designed to increase mental alertness, and physical performance; by introducing caffeine, vitamins, and herbal supplements. In many cases, these ingredients interact to provide an enhanced stimulant effect; greater than that obtained from caffeine on it's own. Many supplement manufacturers offer a selection of products, that include extra strength, decaffeinated; and smaller, more convenient "shots".

The physiological and psychological side-effects attributed to energy drinks, weight loss pills, and their ingredients; have been heavily investigated. It has been determined that excess consumption of energy drinks may cause mild to moderate episodes of euphoria. Other adverse effects, which affected mood and performance; include: nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness, increased urination, abnormal heart rhythms, and upset stomach. This unwanted result is attributed to the stimulant properties of the caffeine, and their enhancement; by the presence of ginseng. As well, the caffeine found in energy drinks can excrete water from the body; leading to dehydration. If the body is dehydrated by 1%, performance is said to decreased; by up to 10%.

It is not likely that consumption of a single energy beverage, will lead to excessive caffeine intake; however, ingesting two or more beverages in a single day might. For concerned energy-seekers, supplement providers like 5 Hour Energy, have developed an innovative Decaf product to combat the negative effects; associated with the intake of too much caffeine. Regardless, nutritionists and health experts recommend water, or a sport drink, as the best choice for fluid consumption; during most types of exercise or physical activity.

By: Kristoffer Howes

Article Directory:

When consuming 5 hour energy shots, participants will typically feel an elevated sense of energy, focus and alertness. Similar to some weight loss supplements in the marketplace, 5 hour Energy shots contains caffeine; and as such, should be ingested responsibly.