Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Minum Kopi Menurunkan Risiko Kanker Hati


Kopi seringkali disebut sebagai penyebab gangguan kesehatan. Namun, sebuah penelitian terbaru dari Italia membuktikan bahwa konsumsi kopi setiap hari ternyata dapat menurunkan risiko terkena kanker hati.

Seperti yang dilansir di iFood (25/10/2013), Sebuah penelitian dilakukan Dr Carlo La Vecchia dari Departemen Epidemiologi di Istituto Di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri dan Departemen Ilmu Klinis Kesehatan Masyarakat Universita Degli Studi Di Milan, Italia. Penelitian ini
membuktikan bahwa minum 3 cangkir kopi setiap hari ternyata dapat menurunkan risiko terkena kanker hati sebesar 50% dibanding yang tidak mengonsumsinya.

Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan setelah para peneliti melakukan analisis berdasarkan artikel kesehatan yang diterbitkan antara tahun 1996 sampai tahun 2012,. Termasuk 16 studi berkualitas tinggi dan total 3.153 kasus mengenai konsumsi kopi dan kanker hati.

Para peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa rutin minum kopi setiap hari dapat menurunkan risiko kanker hati yang disebut karsinoma hepatoseluler sampai 50 %.

Mengenai penelitiannya ini, Dr La Vecchia mengatakan bahwa efek menguntungkan dari konsumsi kopi pada kanker hati mungkin dimediasi dengan terbuktinya pencegahan kopi bagi diabetes. Dari sana lah dapat ditemukan mengenai faktor risiko pada kanker hati beserta manfaat kopi bagi enzim-enzim hati.

Penelitian mengenai manfaat konsumsi kopi bagi penurunan risiko kanker hati ini juga telah diterbitkan dalam jurnal berjudul “Clinical Gastroenterology dan Hepatology” oleh American Gastroenterological Association.

Dianthi Nida - detikFood


Monday, October 28, 2013

Fiber And How To Include More In Your Diet

Fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet and yet many of us don’t know what it is or how to increase our intake of it. A diet high in fiber provides many benefits, including regulation of bowel movements, reduction of heart disease and diabetes, and maintenance of a healthy weight. Most people are not getting enough fiber in their diets because processed foods, the mainstay of many people’s diets, do not contain a lot of fiber. 

Dietary fiber, essentially, is the component of plant foods that the body cannot digest. The body does not absorb fiber; it passes through the body intact. The function of fiber is to aid the passage of other foods through the digestive tract. There are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble. Both of these types of fiber help the digestive process, and both are important, but they behave in different ways.

Soluble fiber dissolves in water to form a gel like substance. This type of fiber helps you feel full longer because it stays in your stomach for a long time and thus will help control your appetite. Studies have shown that soluble fiber helps prevent the absorption of LDL cholesterol, and can lower glucose levels. Good sources of soluble fiber are oats, apples, peas, citrus fruits, and psyllium.

Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water. It aids digestion because it helps regulate the journey of other foods through the digestive tract. Insoluble fiber should be added to your diet if you struggle with constipation or a sluggish bowel. Insoluble fiber is the type of fiber that most people know a little about and are consciously eating in their breakfast cereal to keep them “regular”. Good sources include bran, whole grains, barley, and green beans. Some fruits and vegetable contain both soluble and insoluble fiber; their skins contain insoluble fiber and their flesh contains soluble fiber. For this reason, it is recommended that we include at least five servings of fruits and vegetables in our diets.

Most people are not getting enough fiber in their diet. Not only does fiber help to keep your bowel movements regular and keep your digestive tract healthy, but it can help you maintain a healthy weight. It is recommended that men consume approximately 35 grams of fiber on a daily basis and women consume 25 grams. Today, because we are consuming so many processed foods, and so few fruits and vegetables, it is thought that most adults are eating only half their daily recommendation of fiber. To increase fiber in your diet try to add foods to your diet that contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. If you are not used to eating any fiber at all increase your fiber intake gradually to avoid any digestive problems. Decreasing the amount of processed foods you eat, and adding whole fresh foods like fruits and vegetables and whole grains to your diet, will increase your fiber intake and is the key to a healthy diet.

Article Directory:
Canadian magazines are a good place to find information on fiber and how to include it in a healthy diet.Women to women magazines are also a good source of recipes that include fiber, and nutritional recommendations for you and your family.